Some Things Are Doomed to Never Change (Loki x F!Reader)

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Summary: Trapped in the memory prison, Loki is forced to face a painful memory of the woman he once loved and whose heart he shattered.

Rating: Teen/Mature

Tags: Loki (2021) ep4 spoilers, angst, emotional hurt/whump, time loops, past relationship, memories, no happy ending, mention of cheating

Tags: Loki (2021) ep4 spoilers, angst, emotional hurt/whump, time loops, past relationship, memories, no happy ending, mention of cheating

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      "You! You conniving, craven, pathetic worm! You did this! I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be."

Loki took the hit over and over until he could no longer push himself back to his feet. Every time she helped him up only to knock him over again, her skilful punches landing in exactly the same spot. It was futile to try and stop her; no matter where he wandered in the memory of Asgard, she found him and dealt her retribution.

To think, he'd almost been pleased to see her that first time around.

The pain he could handle. Mobius was a fool if he thought that a few thousand punches would be enough to break Loki after what he had suffered at the hands of others. Sif was a fierce warrior but the memory was ever consistent; she never deviated and eventually his body became numb to her carefully placed attacks.

It was her words cut deeper. In his arrogant youth Loki had brushed the spiteful taunt aside, too pleased with the outcome of his mischief to dare linger on the truths behind her words. It was not so easy to ignore the swirling depths of hatred that threatened to drown him and certainly not when they were spoken on repeat, perhaps now the only words he would hear for the rest of his unnatural life.

Braced for the next loop, Loki closed his eyes and waited for her footsteps, for the pain to dull his mind and quiet the realisation that Sif was right for a brief, glorious moment. He was doomed to be alone and, through every fault of his own, it was exactly what he deserved.

He waited, every breath a dagger between his bruised ribs. He waited, every gentle breeze exasperating the burning sting of his reddened cheek. He waited, the uncharacteristic silence of the palace a heavy reminder that this was not, and never would be, his home. Minutes, days, even years, passed in those moments and yet still there was nothing.

Dare he hope that the forsaken loop had finally ended? Might he finally get some peace?

A new set of footsteps approached. Too light to be Mobius, too sharp to be Sif. The muscles in his neck protested as he looked up but the pain was suddenly the last thing on his mind. Nothing had changed; he was still trapped in the courtyard, caught in a moment of perpetual night awaiting a sunrise that would never come. His body ached right down to the bone. His mind was painfully clear. But his heart? Well, that damn near soared out of his chest when he saw you standing there.

Loki ran to you, fast as his heavy legs could take him. He threw his arms around you and pulled you to his chest. Norns, you were just as he remembered. The sweet scent of your perfume matched the floral crown atop your head, a delicate thing created on your home world of plants from your sacred gardens and frozen in time, forever at the height of their bloom. He buried his nose in your hair and, for a moment, allowed himself to pretend that all was well.

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