I was too turned on to realize the flight attendants could probably hear us.

He carried me and laid me down on the couch.

He then took off my shirt and my bra leaving my upper body exposed.

I felt his lips travel from my neck to my chest until his mouth was sucking and licking my breast.

His hands traveled to my thighs and moved higher. I now felt his hands on my butt as he gave it a light squeeze.

I let out another moan from how good Xavier was pleasuring me.

"God, you're driving me crazy princess."

I felt something hard against me and I realized Xavier was very turned on.

We needed to stop.

His hands moved from my butt to my inner thighs. He occasionally touched my core making my body even hotter. I then felt his large hand in between my legs as he pressed a finger inside me. I so desperately wanted to feel the sensation on my bare skin and tear off these pants.

I tried to hold in a moan but it was impossible.

"You like that princess." He didn't say it like a question, it was more like a statement. Even if it were a question, I was positive he already knew the answer to that.

It was starting to feel too good and I knew we had to stop before we went too far.

"Stop" I whispered.

I didn't really want to stop but I didn't want to sleep with a man I didn't really know. He claimed to be my husband but he was keeping a secret from me. He could have lied about everything for all I know. I couldn't just fall into his trap.


Luckily he immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away."

He quickly stood up and turned around.

"I'm going to the restroom to calm myself down. I'll see you in a bit."

He then left me.

I quickly put my bra and shirt back on.

I then sat on the couch as I tried to calm myself down as well.

It was surprising to see how quickly he had stopped. It was obvious he was very turned on but he listened to me. He didn't ignore me and didn't pressure me to keep on going.

I liked that he respected my decisions.

This made me so much more confused. Even though I knew he was keeping a secret from me and couldn just be pretending to care about me, I couldn't stop myself from falling for him. So far what he had shown me was that he really did love and care about me.

I could see the love in his eyes and his immense respect for me.

Maybe I needed to talk to him about that phone call that made me question him. I could have misunderstood.

I decided I would wait a bit before confronting him. Maybe if I spoke to my grandmother about this she could help me. I had started remembering moments and events with my granny so I knew I could trust her.

I walked out and headed to my seat. I decided to take another nap before Xavier got back to his seat since I didn't know how to face him after what had just happened.

I felt so embarrassed since the flight attendants had certainly heard us making out.

My eyes were closed and I got in a comfortable position. Not long after I heard Xavier arrive as he sat beside me. Once again I felt his hand on my head as he put my head on his shoulder.

I didn't move away since I was pretending to sleep.

My heart was beating fast from being so close to him. Especially after all the things he had done to me earlier.

I liked his scent and being beside him was comforting.

Luckily I ended up falling asleep until we arrived in New York.

I grabbed my luggage and followed Xavier out. One of his bodyguards was waiting outside to pick us up and take us home.

Xavier grabbed my hand and helped me get inside the car. Some men put our luggage in the back of the car and we headed home.

I felt Xavier grab my hand again and we stayed like that all the way back to the mansion.

Soon we arrived. I headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

It was already pretty late. Although I had slept in the plane I still felt tired from the long trip. I also didn't know how to face Xavier after what had happened in the plane.

Xavier brought our luggage in the room.

I had completely forgotten that he was going to sleep beside me again. We would be in this room every night, just the two of us.

"I know you're tired my love, but let's go downstairs and eat something. You didn't eat much on the plane."

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the dining room. Most of the staff was gone meaning it was just us two in the house.

Xavier had sent someone to order us food.

Before I knew it I was sitting down eating pumpkin bread.

"You told me your grandmother loves this bread and that it reminds you a lot of her. You used to eat it and drink citron tea whenever you missed her. Maybe this will help you remember her."

I thought it was very sweet of him to get me this bread.

I was hungry since I tried not to eat and instead slept the entire trip back home. But this bread was truly delicious. The amazing smell of pumpkin spice was very familiar.

"Thank you. This smell and taste is familiar. I don't quite remember eating it with my granny but it feels very familiar."

He reached for my hand.

"I'm glad you liked it. I can see you're starting to remember your grandmother. That's a great sign."

I could see he was hopeful that I would remember him.

This was a good sign. If he wanted me to remember him then it must mean he isn't lying. However, after that strange phone call a while ago I can't help but wonder what part is a lie.

Everything he did and what he was showing me felt genuine. Maybe I would allow myself to get closer to him. After all, he did claim to be my husband.

After we finished eating we headed upstairs. We brushed our teeth together. It was weird but this simple act made it feel like we were a true couple now.

I grabbed my pajamas and changed in the bathroom. I felt too shy to let Xavier see me change. Although I couldn't help but remember how he had seen my topless where my breasts were completely exposed to him.

I finally finished and I headed to bed. However Xavier was also changing and I saw him topless as well. He had very defined abs and strong arms. I was amazed by how truly handsome he was.

I looked away and laid in bed.

I turned to my side and put the blanket over me.

Then almost immediately I felt Xavier beside me.

He embraced me from behind as he normally did whenever we slept together. I normally felt nervous being this close to him but today I felt comfortable and very happy.

I decided I would give him a chance. Maybe I was just being paranoid and Xavier wasn't hiding anything from me.

"Good night my love."

"Good night Xavier." I said.


(I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Wow things got steamy in this chapter.😳 Don't forget to VOTE if you enjoyed this chapter!)

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