Cpt 44

526 17 1

*5 years later

Jeongyeon's POV

"Places everyone the concert will start in 2 minutes!" I heard the director said

I can hear the loud cheers of the fans after the curtain opened there we saw him with his handsome attire.

"Goodafternoon south korea!!" He shouted everyone applaud

"*pants* I hope you guys enjoy my 3rd concert here in korea."

"The next song will be orange!"

The light turn off and the spotlight turn to him but he's sitting. Someone tap my shoulder I look at her.

"Jeong let's go no one's gonna open the cafè everyone is out." Momo whispered I just glare at her I still want to watch his performance

We went outside the concert hall and just walk to the cafè cause it's only a walking distance.

"Where's chaeyoung btw she didn't attend on his brother's concert." They talk why walking

"On the museum again you knows she never leave that place it's basically her home." Momo stated with hand gestures

Jeongyeon open the cafè door and they went inside they both wear their barista outfits.

"Late." Sana said to them while preparing coffees

"Sorry his concert is too long we didn't even finish it." Momo said

"Why do you even watch his concert all the time." Sana questioned annoyed

"Hoping...." Jeongyeon inserted

"Still hoping sana." She continued

"Whatever." Rolling her eyes before giving the costumer the coffee

Five years their life became perhaps peaceful for some point of view but it never did. The nine of them are still idols some have solo promotion already like 3mix, some became actress which is mina and tzuyu along with sana, dahyun became a variety host, momo as a dance teacher on jype and lastly chaeyoung became a composer.

Twice still promotes together still living together in one roof but the bond is not there anymore. Sure they talk to each other but the sweetness and love is missing five years already. They build a cafè together for idols only.

"Oh taeyeon unnie great to see you here." Me and momo both greet her she smiled at us

"Well I get to see my twice dongsaengs." We three chukle at her

"The usual?" She nodded and sat at her favorite spot

"Unnie unnie!!" A breathless dahyun came inside the cafè panting all idols look at her

"What any problem?" Sana ask and gave her water we look at dahyun

"*pants* t-the thing is *pants* my s-show."

"Ok breath in breath out first." I said and she did after she calmed down she continued

"Son Jeonghoon is going to my show!" She freaked out as everyone gasped even other idols


"This friday, and did you saw the news? Jyp is going to debut an american artist in our company basically she'll promote here on korea!"

"This makes my day more worst." Sana mumbled and left us we all shrugged


Author's POV

"We're home!" The three went inside the house

They left the dorm three years ago but they still go there and visit it cause that's where they started. They take turns to handle the cafè so no biggie.

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