The failure

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Eight months later... Dr. Andie finally got 0 to follow him. It took some time, but he got him too. The reason 0 was so stubborn with Dr. Andie is that he never punishes subjects like the other doctors do. He was suspicious of Dr. Andie. Dr. Andie led 0 to a very clean room. The walls were as white as snow, the wall to their left had chairs lined up against it. To their right, it looked like a dentist's chair. It looked like a doctor's office. Dr. Andie helped 0 up onto the chair and went to go leave. But when he was in the doorframe, a doctor ran right into the raven-haired scientist. They both fell face-first into the floor, dazed and confused. "Are you two alright? That was a pretty bad fall." 0 stared down at the two scientists. He didn't get a good look at the doctor until now. The mysterious Doctor that was right next to Dr. Andie had dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. 0 had never seen him before. 'He must be new here...' Dr. Andie got up when he got himself together and looked at who he bumped into. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" Dr. Andie grabbed onto moron #2's (as what 0 nicknamed the new doctor) hand and helped him up. 0 watched in amusement as the two tried to pull themselves together and not look stupid while doing it. He found it quite hilarious. "Don't worry. I'm alright. My name's Dr. Jamie. And your name?" The man now known as Dr. Jamie looked over at Dr. Andie and 0. "I'm Subject 0. 0 for short." Dr. Andie decided to leave before he got dragged into this mess. He quietly left the room. The second he was in the doorframe, he bolted out of there and into the hall. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Dr. Jamie just checked 0's lungs, heartbeat, hearing, all that stuff. But then he got out some sort of syringe. It was filled with an orange liquid. Before 0 could say anything, Dr. Jamie injected the strange liquid into his arm. 0's vision was starting to get blurry. He started getting dizzy. Before he could ask what Dr. Jamie did, everything went dark

Subject 0Where stories live. Discover now