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Abel's feet stepped into the forest's nourished ground. He touched one of the oak trees in what looked like a sea of this same type of flora. The oak tree's trunk started to wrinkle and bend toward Abel, until it withered and died. Abel felt the energy he just absorbed spreading to all the parts of his body, and his hands started shining with a light green glow. He had just absorbed the power to cure many people from a wide variety of diseases, but he had already decided another plan for his ability.

Abel looked to his side to see a woman shooting spheres of water-based energy to a man whose body was completely on fire, ready to strike back. Abel's face was emotionless, and his eyes had an indifferent look. His strong body was now as strong as ever with the recent recharge in life energy, his pale skin wasn't as pale, and his black hair was even darker. He looked to his front, where a tall building stood.

The tall building was painted white, and looked like a luxurious place, but it was actually a research facility and Abel's former job. Big letters that formed the name "PRISM" stood high above the building.

Abel's body started surging with light green energy. The energy around his body expulsed tiny light green balls, and it was waving slowly around Abel's body.

All of his energy joined in his hands as he extended his palms to the front. He was pushed backwards a little bit when he shot out a beam of light green energy towars the building. At first, the beam just disappeared into the building, but then a sapling began to grow, and then another diagonally upward, and then another one to the second sapling's side...

There were saplings almost everywhere on PRISM.

The little plants began to grow, but instead of becoming trees hanging from the building, they transformed into fast-growing thick vines. The vines were covering every corner of PRISM as a crowd of scientists tried to get out of the building from wherever they could.

Last thing Abel knew, the building was trapped in a thick, cilindrical shaped cage. Abel walked slowly away from the building with a faint smile on his face, because the kind of power everyone thought could only be used for healing, Abel used for destruction.

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