All That Was Left

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Author's Note: This was a quick narration I had to do for a class. Comment and vote for it please because I do not know if I should expand the idea. Thanks every one!


My eyes were closed as I stumbled across the rough terrain that we used to call Earth.  His fingers were curled into my shoulder and he guided me down the path.  Each step I took caused a shot of pain to run up my legs as the rocks sliced through the calloused skin on my feet.  The smell of the musty cloth wrapped around my face was the only familiar thing.

                “On your knees,” he ordered me.  His voice sounded as if he had swallowed a mouthful of rocks.  He tightened his grip on my shoulder and forced me down onto the dirt.  “Open your eyes.”

                The destruction they have done was all I could see.  Thick, dark clouds of smoke blocked out the sun and casted a shadow down onto us.  My stomach twisted into a knot as I watched the last few buildings crumble down.

                “You will be the last one to burn,” he said.  “You know why?”

                There was never a reason to do any of this, I thought to myself.             

“I’m not hearing an answer.”  He smirked.

                I struggled against the crisscrossing of stitches.  They pulled against my lips as I tried to muffle out some words.  The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.  I was relieved to have something liquid touch my dry and swollen tongue.   

His long forked tongue flicked across his lips.  The putrid, dark coloured scales that covered his body camouflaged him amongst the shadows.  His bright red eyes surveyed the damage he had done to our planet.  These creatures reminded me of why my mother always hated reptiles.

                “Your mouth got you into a lot of trouble. Was it really worth it?” he asked.

                The whistling of the wind was barely audible over the crackling of the woods.  Sweat was beginning to build up on my skin as the flames became hotter.  The smoke was burning my eyes.  I tried to blink the pain away, but all it did was cause the tears to roll down my face.

                “You’ll be the last one to see your Earth burn.”  

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