Chapter 2

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Anakin was fighting better than earlier, but he was still too easy to take down. "Alright, think about it this way," I try to explain, "A Sith uses 100% of the dark side. When you were fighting right now, I'd say you were using maybe 1%. What you want to aim for is between 5 and 10%,"
"What happens if you go above 10%?" Anakin asks.

I smirk at his curiosity. "If you go above 10%, the dark side will start tempting you," I answer, "If you continuously use more than 10%, you will inevitably fall to the dark side completely," Anakin looks at me grimly as he nods in understanding.

"Again," Anakin decides as he gets ready. He instantly goes on the offensive, and I easily block each of his blows. I look for an opening, and when I go for it, Anakin becomes even more aggressive. Hiding a smirk, I push Anakin back to the other side of the room.

"What was that?!" I asks, faking my anger. Surprise and fear are evident in the Jedi's eyes. "I said to use small amount of the dark side!"
"H-How much was I using?" Anakin asks.
"I don't know, maybe 30-40%," I answer, "Maybe you're just not strong enough to resist the dark,"

I walk out of the room, knowing that my last comment would have angered Anakin. Like, come on, he's apparently the Chosen One. He probably thinks that he should not be able to be tempted by the dark side.

When I reach my private quarters, I throw my blue lightsaber on to the bed. I take out my holodisk and contact my father. "Nivix, how is the mission going?" Father asks as soon as he answers the transmission.
"Well we haven't reached Christophsis yet," I explain, "But I believe that I've made progress with Skywalker. It's really too easy,"
"Remember, Nivix, we need keep the trust of the Jedi Council," Father reminds me, "If Skywalker falls to the dark side too quickly, they will know something is up,"
"I understand, Father," I respond.

Without knocking, Ahsoka walks in and I'm thankful that I have finished the discussion concerning her Master. "Father, I have to go," I inform him, "I will contact you again when I have time. Don't worry, I will be in no danger with Skywalker by my side," Then I end the transmission and focus my attention on the Padawan before me.

"My Master sent me to tell you that we are approaching Christophsis," She explains.
"Alright," I say with a smile, "Let's go dismantle some droids," I reattach my lightsaber to my belt and follow the Padawan to the bridge.

"Do we have a plan, Anakin?" I ask as I reach his side.
"On a first name basis now, are we?" He teases before becoming serious again, "Unfortunately, we have to wait we are on the ground to truly understand the situation,"

When we come out of hyperspace, Anakin directs us towards the hangar to board the transport ships. "How about you, your Padawan take some troops in one transport," I suggest, "Your Captain can take another transport, I'll be in a transport and the rest of the clones will go in a fifth transport,"
"Sounds like a plan," Anakin agrees, "I'll see you on the ground, Nivix,"

I smile at him using my first name before turning and boarding a transport. My transport is the first one to take leave, and therefore the first one to enter the atmosphere. I feel the shuttle shake a bit at the gravity, but then a larger shake comes soon after. "We've been hit," A pilot from the cockpit calls back to the passenger area.

"Pilot, I want this transport on the ground in one piece!" I demand, "I don't care where it lands,"
"Yes, General," The pilot agrees. After a few agonising minutes, I finally feel the transport roughly hit the ground.

"General, we've landed behind enemy lines," The pilot explains.
"Perfect," I smile before drawing my lightsaber. After I stab the first clone in the chest, the rest of them start firing at me. I easily block all their blasts and within minutes, they are all dead on the ground.

On the other side of the cockpit door, the pilot is oblivious to the chaos I've caused. I walk in and cut off his head. Admiring my work, I smile to myself. I'm sure that Anakin will soon find the transport, and with the clones killed by a lightsaber and myself missing, the Jedi will assume that Dooku has taken me.

Outside, droids are waiting with their blasters pointed at me. "Surrender, Jedi," One of them demands.
"Trust me, I'm no Jedi," I promise, "I'm here to speak with Count Dooku. Take me to him," Confused by my comments, the droids still lower their weapons and start leading me to a large building where I know Dooku is.

"Nivix Palpatine, I've been expecting you," Dooku greets at the entrance of the building.
"Dooku, we have much to discuss," I explain. The Count nods and leads my to what looks to be a private office.
"What are you planning, young Palpatine?" Dooku asks.
"My father wants Skywalker to turn to the dark side," I explain, "When he sees that the clones accompanying me were killed by a lightsaber, he will assume you took me captive. Then the Jedi will come but we will have a trap for him. Not one to simply kill him, but one to anger him,"

I can tell that the Count doesn't like my plan, but he accepts it as it has already put into motion. Chucking my lightsaber onto the desk, I grab a pair of handcuffs from the corner of the desk and cuff my own hands in front of me. Now it's just a waiting game.

Word count: 977

Jedi Palpatine (Anakin x OC)Where stories live. Discover now