Starfall (Gwynriel)

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Overview: Azriel takes Gwyn to starfall for the first time. (Making it clear that it's been about a year and some since ACOSF, so Gwyn's been going out more, feeling more comfortable around people- and she finally decides to go to starfall).
Rating: T
Words: 2367

"You've never been to starfall before?"

"Never." Gwyn replied to Azriel, a mischievous grin creeping up her face.

"Well- you'll have to come with me then." Though it was clear it was a joking demand, there was a hint of desperation in his words.

"It's a date then," she said laughing.

"Well then, my lady," he did a mockery bow as his voice quieted, "meet me here tonight. I'll take you to starfall."

"Alright," Gwyn said eyebrows rising as the smile stayed present on her face- even as they parted ways.


Azriel had a problem. He was in love with Gwyneth. Not that being in love with her was a problem- it was great honestly- but it's the way he knew she'd never return those feelings that was what made it bad. Azriel knew Gwyn was not one to trust people. Sure- she had Nesta and Emerie, but that was different. Azriel knew he was a man, and Gwyn wasn't strong  on her opinions of men.

Yes, she made it clear that she trusts him- but she would never want him the way he wanted her. So sure Gwyn would joke with him, and laugh with him, but it was clear what she felt for him was only of friendship. He knew she may possibly never truly trust a man ever again, to touch or hold her in the way that couples would.

So yes, he craved her. In every single damn way.

He wanted to sit by the fire, reading her a book as she fell asleep against him. He wanted to be the one to buy her gifts. He wanted to be the boyfriend who would hold the shopping bags while she went crazy at the bookstore. He wanted to be the one to kneel down on one knee as he proposed a life with her. He wanted to be the one to forever worship her body in his hands. To laugh alongside her.

Azriel knew that he didn't deserve her- though that didn't stop him from feeling this way towards her. He would have eternity to be friends with her at least. But that would be enough, right? To have the chance to even be around her. To be with her- in her presence. It would be a good kind of torture for him. It was arguably an even worse torture than hanging out with Mor. But Mor- he was losing his feelings for Mor. He didn't feel the need for her anymore. Of course he was still protective of her, but it felt more of a friendship type thing. Maybe Gwyn did this to him. She probably did. And he loved her.


Gwyn was nervous. Yes- nervous. whether this was a date or hangout she didn't know because Azriel joked around her often. She would deem this as a hangout. Just a hangout. And yes, maybe Gwyn was falling for Azriel. At first she didn't want to admit it to herself. She thought about him in ways that made her cheeks red. In ways that made her long for him. In ways that made her core heat up. Sometimes she was embarrassed of herself for these thoughts. Azriel could never know about her thoughts of him. She decided that the second she realized she fell for him.

She decide it would create more problems that they really didn't need right now. Right? She needed somebody to tell her she was right in denying her attraction towards the shadowsinger. A knock on her door shut the window to her thoughts as she realized it was Azriel.

"Gwyn?" he called out.

"Um- just a sec!"

She smoothed her hair once more before brushing her dress down, and smudging her blush with her fingers a little.

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