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Alli is now online

Alli: thanks for tonight, guys

Bob is now online

Wade is now online

Bob: don't mention it

Wade: we'd do it for anyone else

Alli: don't make me cry

Sean is now online

Sean: just wait until your actual birthday

Alli: please no

Austin is now online

Bob: yay Austin's here

Bob: so are you two together now?

Alli is now offline

Austin is now offline

Wade: I take that as a yes

Alli is now online

Alli: no so stop asking

Sean: Alli we're only joking

Alli: well stop joking

Austin is now online

Bob: what's wrong Alli?

Wade: we'll stop if you really want us to

Austin: I kinda liked the teasing, but yeah, if you want it to stop, it'll stop

Sean: Alli?

Alli: it's nothing, I'm fine

Bob: what happened?

Alli: ...I read the letters

Sean: what did they say?

Alli: he tried taking custody of me back

Mark is now online

Alli: he wrote it in the letters

Alli: it failed, obviously, since I'm with you guys

Alli: but he still tried

Alli: he also said that when he gets out of jail, he's going to visit me

Bob: hey, Alli, it's okay. He won't touch you again

Alli: I'm scared

Mark: there's no need to be. We're all here for you, okay?

Alli: okay

Alli is now offline

Bob: this is really bad. He has a way of getting what he wants

Bob: I just hope his time behind bars fixed him up

Mark: if he even tries anything, I'll kill him

Sean: I'll go talk to her

Sean is now offline

Austin: are you guys still leaving tomorrow?

Wade: we don't have a choice, we have to

Bob: but if something happens, one of you has to let me know and I'll be right back here

Bob: you can tell Alli that, too

Mark: we'll let you know, I swear

Austin: I'll see you all tomorrow

Austin is now offline

Wade: give Alli a hug for me?

Mark: I will. For the both of you

Bob: good. Thank you

Wade is now offline

Mark is now offline

Bob is now offline

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