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"No" I said firmly as I groaned in pure spite of his assumption.

(Side note: Everything said in Toms and Y/N's POV for the next bit is set in the same time but in different perspectives)

     "No?" my father said rising an eyebrow, "Tom, are you blind?" he asked in a firm tone sounding as if he was in disbelief. "She's as wild as can be, she's walking all over you." he said in an angry tone,
     "But you let mom walk all over you." I said in a blank tone.
      "No I do not!" he yelled just loud enough that the girls couldn't hear. "I only let her do that when you kids are home and around Paddy, when you guys aren't there, she knows better." he said in a condescending tone. I snapped my head up to him and my jaw dropped slightly. I dropped my head and scanned my brain for an explanation. But I settled on walking beside him quietly, I might've done that 'cause I was furious because my whole life was a lie. I thought my parents loved each other unconditionally, but in reality they were a mirror image of what I was doing to Y/N.

   I stopped suddenly and realized right then and there that I was just like my father, Y/N just like my mother, a wolf and a doe, predator and prey, murderer and victim. The thought left me fearful, was fate driving down the same path my father had?
      "Tom?" my fathers voice awoke me from my trance. I cleared my throat and continued to walk towards the dining room.

-Y/N's POV-

     "Dear, are you ok?" Nikki asked,
     "Yes, I am fine." I said in a breathily voice.
     "You know, you remind me of myself." Nikki said.
     "How?" I asked,
    "Me and you are in the same situation." she said as she looked away.
      "Sorry, I don't seem to understand." I said, I understood completely, I just wanted to know more.

       "Me and Dom used to be like love birds, I was 25 and Dom was 26. It was 1993, Dom was in school studying to be a photographer when I met him. Me and him fell in love instantly and began dating instantly aswell. Soon Dom's father found out and threatened that Dom would be forbidden to continue the families mafia. So, Dom in a rebellious rage, proposed to me and we were married the next day." she sighed and tears were now running down her cheek.
      "Here." I said as I grabbed some tissue from my small black purse and gave it to her.
      "Thank you." she said before wiping her eyes.

    "Anyway, his father didn't like that at all but Dom's mother reminded Dom's father that if the hier to the mafia has a wife that they get the mafia instantly. Dom was torn, because he wanted to become a photographer and then a writer but he also wanted to be head of the mafia. He soon made the difficult decision to keep the mafia, but over the years he became violent.he first took it out on furniture and décor. But, all bad things get worse and soon he was taking his anger out on me. I quickly learned to walk on eggshells and be perfect or I will pay a huge price. When I figured out I was pregnant I didn't want to tell Dom, but my baby bump started to become physically bigger." She paused taking a breath,

     "I started wearing corsets and then moved into my own separate room. Soon, the corsets weren't working, so I then told him. He wasn't very happy that I had waited till I was 24 weeks pregnant to tell him. He was about to hit me but then he realized that it was his and if he hurt me that he would hurt Tom. Ever since then, he has learnt that unless I was pregnant, the kids were around or were visiting that he couldn't hurt me." she said in a shaky voice. She took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

    "How has Tom been treating you?" she asked faking a smile.
     "Well-" I got caught on my words as I looked back at Tom who was walking beside his father, giving me the death stare. "Can I tell you a secret?" I asked leaning closer towards Nikki,
       "Yes." she said confidently. So I told her about our acting plan, the fake wedding, everything.
       "Tom didn't want Dom to find out because he was scared Dom would take everything away from him, including me." I said in a whisper, "If Tom found out I told you, he would do Satan-knows-what to my family and me. Please, don't tell Dom, swear apon your dead body that you won't tell him." I pleaded close to tears. She wrapped her hands around mine,
       "I swear apon my dead body that I won't tell him or Tom." Nikki said smiling at me,
       "Thank you" I said in a shaky voice.

The story goes back to normal from here :)

     Dinner was splendid, Tom, me, and Nikki were chatting it up and I think that was the first time I ever heard Tom laugh, though I knew it was fake.   
      Dom sat silently, eating his dinner, studying each one of us with a hard stare, he looked at me the most and how me and Tom interacted which made me uncomfortable. I was relived when dinner was finally finished, as we were saying our goodbyes I handed Nikki a napkin that I had written my number on, which she thanked me for. Once Tom's parents drove away and were out of sight I turned around and began speed walking towards our room.

~Toms POV~

I was still processing the thing my father said 'unless you or your brothers were around, she knew better'. It was a curse. I slammed my eyes shut and yelled out "UGH!" then sharp pains shot through my head and hands. I opened my eyes and I lifted my head. I was met with the dark brown wooden doors. I lifted my hands that were fists and they were a little red. I sat down on the stairs by the entrance and ran my hand through my hair but my hair was wet. I lifted my hand and looked at it. My hand was red, then I felt a hot drop

~Y/N's POV~

       I went for a shower and then put on my black boxers and a blue sports bra. I crawled into bed and curled up into a ball. Tears welled up in my eyes, my heart ache, my brain tried to doubt the facts.
  Nikki had compared her torture to my life with Tom, Nikki had gone through things I could've never imagined and now I couldn't stop the thought of Tom doing the same things to me.
  I let my guard down and began to cry, tears stained my cheeks, but a knock at the door made me jump, I turned around and wiped my cheeks.
      "Come in." I said in the most normal voice I could mange. I heard the door open,
      "Hey, Y/N." Tom's voice said as I heard the door close. I did not respond, he was the son of a monster, the monster that hated me and tortured a nice woman for no reason.

    He came and sat on the bed next to me. He reached to caress my back and I swatted his hand away. He recoiled and sighed.
   "Y/N, don't be like that please." He said in his sweet voice. I looked up at him and he gently pulled me up. He looked at my cheek and rubbed it gently.
   "Your mother told me things..." I whispered. "She compared her life to mine with you... she experienced things, and I can't stop picturing you doing the same things!" I sniffled. "For some stupid reason! I am attached to you! I can't stop! I can't! You make me smile, all your stupid bullshit!" I groaned.

     He chuckled gently. "Really? I didn't think I had that effect.." he hummed, "I thought you hated me to the core." He poked fun at me and I sniffled. He smiled at me. "Y/N... you see.." he placed a hand on my knee.
   I looked up at him and he had this sweet smile in his face. "I can't stop either." He admitted. I gasped softly and stared at him.
     "I can't stop worrying about you. When you are all over the place. I felt you tremble in front of my parents and I-" he took a breath and gently took my hand. "I wanted to hold you, tell you that everything was fine." He whispered.
   I felt my cheeks warm, what was this feeling? These butterflies in my stomach...
  He looked down at my bare left hand, he rubbed where a ring would be sitting. "I know our marriage is only on paper but-" he took a breath and looked up at me.
     "Would you be mad if it started to mean something to me?"

Sorry so long :) Love ya!

~The Love/ Hate Mobster~ { Tom Holland, Y/N}{Mafia/Mob}Where stories live. Discover now