Part 3 - A Relentless Beatdown; Actions Result in Consequences

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“Commander, let me keep guard outside,” Lobov begged Erwin as they ascended to the Airship, “I wanna make sure you all get home safely and I want to make sure no stray Marleyan soldiers fire at us.”

“That’s quite alright, Lobov, but I’m sure the other Scouts wouldn’t want to party without you,” Erwin spoke softly and looked at Lobov, who sighed and nodded reluctantly, not doubting Erwin for a second, “And besides, no bullet could reach up here, I’m sure.”

Levi was right behind the two, carrying Eren, with Mikasa close behind to make sure that Levi didn’t hurt him. But Levi didn’t care if he was being monitored, as he climbed onto the airship with the help of Hange and launched Eren at the wall of the airship, his limbs regenerating as he landed down.

“Been a while since it’s been like this, huh, Eren?” Levi asked rhetorically, approaching Eren who was now slumped over, “You look like you fell in dog shit twenty times over,”

Eren stared up at Levi, with almost apologetic eyes, “Captain, I-”

The man didn’t let Eren speak, slamming his foot into Eren’s jaw, knocking multiple teeth out. He slammed his knee into Eren’s nose, almost smashing it, “Don’t you realise what you did? You put us all in peril. You endangered the Scout’s integrity, and now our technological and society advances have been halted because of this little attack we needed to pull.”

The captain turned to look at the commotion. Jean, Connie, Sasha and Hange had to all hold Mikasa back, “You short-”

Levi gave her a slight glare, “Finish that sentence, see where it gets you.”

The captain clearly wasn’t happy with Eren, and Mikasa gained a dis-taste more so than when he first beat Eren, but since Armin’s death and now, Mikasa would only have to be friendly because he was her superior.

Levi grabbed Eren’s long, brunette hair, “Your hair makes it easy to restrict you, and your self-pitiful face makes it all too easy.”

The Scouts surrounded the two in a crowd as he continued to kick him in the stomach, cheek, jaw, and even arms, hearing several cracks as he did so.

Eren laid back and stared down at the ground, “I know I deserved that.”

“You better, because you know what?” Levi asked, squatting down and grabbing the man by the hair, lifting his head to look him in the eyes, “I’m being given custody of you again if your trial goes well for you. I’m going to be severely strict on you. When you get back you’re getting a shower. As for your brother? I’m gonna have a little chat with him now, not before,” Levi went to kick Eren again, but Erwin finally stopped it,

“Captain Ackerman, that’s quite enough,” Erwin spoke, now more formal with him, “Zeke’s in the back compartment, Eren will arrive soon, go speak with Zeke.”

“Zeke?” Eren seemed confused, “I thought he wasn’t going to come onto the island,”

“Things change, brat,” Levi spoke, “If you can’t handle that, I’ll throw you out this damn-”

“Levi.” Erwin said sternly. Levi nodded and walked off into the other room, and Erwin kneeled down in front of Eren, “Eren. I understand why you did what you did, but if you just confided in us about it firstly, I would’ve got onboard. Maybe Pyxis wouldn’t approve, or Nile, or even Queen Historia, but I would.”

Eren nodded, a single tear streaming down his face.

“What are you crying for?” Jean spoke up, looking down at him, “Didn’t you murder all those families? OUR people? They had the same blood as us, and probably we had a few cousins in that internment zone. You got off lucky with what Captain Levi did to you,” Jean was clearly angry with Eren as well, as he didn’t stand at all for what they had to do for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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