Chapter 4 ~ A Gift from His Brother

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Like his father said, Wilbur was not allowed to leave his room 'til lunch. He felt like a prisoner, one which hadn't done anything wrong, as if he were framed for something he did not do. Wilbur had devoured almost everything on the silver plater at the table, once the time came to leave his room. His mother had stared at him, concerned look on her face. Wilbur had taken notice and simply replied with: "I had skipped breakfast, I had something important to take care of mother, don't worry."

His mother nodded. Wilbur took a glance at his father, who was now the one staring at him. Philza simply nodded, probably had approved of the excuse, and turned back to his plate. At least Wilbur wouldn't get into anymore trouble today, right? The older prince had then looked at his brother, who had barely eaten anything on his own silver plater. Wilbur knew how Tommy was feeling, wanting desperately to cheer him up, telling him that he'll be there for him no matter what, but Wilbur knew that their father wouldn't have approved of it.

Tommy had reached for another plate and started to place food on there, which in return, received questionable looks from his family members. Tommy got up from his seat, plate at hand and said-

"I'm going to see if Tubbo's hungry. Am-am I excused from the table?"

"Yes, that is fine Tommy. Don't drop the plate, alright?" the Queen said.

The boy chuckled, "I won't mom," and soon left the table, walking out of the dining room.


This went on for weeks, it felt like a daily routine that the older prince of the two did not ask for or want in the first place. He grew tired, his happiness slowly fading away, day after day after day. Wilbur still was not allowed to speak to Tommy, the dining table, somewhat quiet as now Tubbo was allowed to sit and eat with them as well. So in those times, Tommy and Tubbo sat next to one another at one of the four sides of the table, chatting in low voices as to not disturb anyone else. The future king spent most of his days with his father. Should he still consider Philza his father, after what he's revealed? Wilbur had no idea.

On these days, the King trained his eldest son, teaching him all that he would need to know, in order to be King. The oldest prince would spend days on end in the study room, more known as the library which seemed to stretch on and on, or he would be in the arena, where the soldiers would train him to fight. He usually ended the hard days treating his wounds, staring up at the ceiling until his eyelids grew heavy, as he fell into a sleep he wished he could not awake from. Wilbur hardly ever got time for his own, he simply grew even more tired, being even more unhappy than he already was. This isn't fair, he would tell himself constantly. He couldn't tell his mother, as things would take a turn downhill for the family. It was unpredictable of what could indeed happen if Wilbur told her.

Wilbur never got to spend time with Tommy. Not even a single minute, or a second.

"He has that other boy for company, he's sure to be fine Wilbur. It it's not something you should worry about at the moment, training is not over just yet and you know that!"

"FOR ONCE, let me spend time with him. I know you don't care for him father...BUT I DO! I CARE FOR HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me, Wilbur. Never mind that, what you should be looking forward to us you being King. Aren't you excited about that?"

What's to be excited about being King if you can't be happy then, can't be happy now? It's not fair...not fair...not fair.

Nothing is fair anymore....


With permission from the Queen, his mother, Tommy was now allowed to be able to leave the home of his castle and explore everything the village of L'manburg down below had to offer, or course, along with Tubbo as well. The young prince was very excited with everything about the village. Tubbo showed him around, since he knew was the only one out of the two who knew the village well, while also trying to keep Tommy in sight. The towns folks were delighted to finally see the young price roaming about in town, so delighted that they offered him gifts, to which Tommy objected, they still insisted. By the end of the day, Tommy had returned home with gifts piled up in his hands, Tubbo offered to help, so now he too had gifts pilled in his hands as well.

Once the Queen saw the two, she couldn't help but laugh and offered to help. Tommy kindly declined the offer, saying that he was a "big man" and could "handle this situation himself."

One of the gifts in which Tommy received was a guitar. He had started at this instrument, which had a lovely design down at the bottom. He thought back to-that day- seeing Wilbur's old guitar smashed on the ground.

"Something wrong, Big Man?" Tubbo said which snapped Tommy out from his deep thoughts.

"I think I have an idea."


Wilbur returned back to his bedroom after the long days. His limbs were sore, he felt as if many thoughts and unnecessary knowledge was crammed into his head, he felt like his brain were to go off any second now. He groaned as he lazily walked to his bed, only to be met with...something already on it. It was a guitar, alongside a note written in a familiar sloppily handwriting which read, "Guess who."

Wilbur could only smile, he didn't even bother to question where Tommy had gotten it-although we all know where. He picked the note carefully, as if it would burn to ashes, never to be seen again. He opened his drawer and placed the note inside, closing the drawer back up. Wilbur turned his attention back to the guitar, picking that up as well, soon to sit down onto his bed. He played the notes on the guitar, adjusting the strings until they sounded familiar to him once again. He took a deep breath, and started playing the song he thought he wouldn't have been able to play again. He sung as well, his voice sounding sad and filled with sorrow.

Wilbur knew he had to hide this guitar, somewhere where no one else, not even his father, would dare to look. He had made adjustments to his room, and it had a secret door somewhere as well. So once it was time, Wilbur hid the guitar away. Now claiming it as a prized possession. That night, Wilbur fell asleep, now knowing he had something to look forward to at the end of each day,

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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