Girls Day-💃Part 1

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You slowly woke up too a little weight on your chest.
You opened your eyes slowly too see the stunning Beauty Lizzie cuddled up to you.

Wow. How can she look more beautiful every day?
STOP THINKING ABOUT HER ALL THE TIME Y/N.... Do I like her? No, no. Impossible. We just met each other. you thought.

„Mean" you heard someone saying.

„What?" you answered confused.

„It's not nice to stare." Lizzie said looking straight into your eyes with a straight Face.

„Ohh... umm... I'm sorry I just was in my mind."

„What were you thinking about?" Lizzie asked looking at you again with a concerned look in her face.
„I umm. You." you answered simple but kinda mumbling.

„Me? What are you thinking about me?" She said now scared that you may think bad about her.

„How beautiful you look. All the time and that you just-  I you- you look better every time I see you I hmm-" you said now flustered as she lays her finger on your lips making you shut up.

„I think it's cute. You are really beautiful too Miss Y/N."She said smiling up at you.

„Nawwwww thank you butterfly. We should probably stand up now and make some breakfast it's almost 10 am." you say as you slowly stand up.

„Yup we should. I just gonna steal some clothes of you if that's okay?"

„Of course that's okay. I'm gonna change real quick too."

„Okay Perfect."

Lizzie chose a oversized tshirt with some flowers and dragons on it and a mom Jeans.
You wear a black widow tshirt you got because you love Nat and Scar obviously and some loose pants.

Lizzie comes back into the kitchen too see that you make pancakes.
You turn around to see her smiling at you, you kindly smile back and turn fast around because of how great she looks in your clothes.

You too turned on some music while cooking and had kinda fun while dancing and singing to the song.

You both ate something and are laying on the couch now cuddling. As friends of course.
Lizzie came up to you and you kissed her on her head just out of reflex.

„I umm. I'm really sorry Liz I didn't mean to-"

She shuts you while kissing you. You both are kissing each other now really passionately and it gets more hotter and hotter. You don't even hear the door open so you too just kiss each other sweetly until you hear a door that closes.
You turn around to see a bunch of women smiling at you both.

„Look who decided to kiss." scar said smirking.

„I made pictures for a new Lock-Screen, who wants it?" Kathryn said smirking too.

„I want it. " Scar and Florence said at the same time.

„We just umm- I. Okay we kissed but it means nothing right Y/N?" Lizzie said easily at you.

„Yeah right Lizzie. We are just friends." you say smiling but kinda sad that everyone just not Lizzie realizes that it kinda meant something to you.

I was only falling in love<3  -Elizabeth Olsen Where stories live. Discover now