Chapter 1

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Fuyuko opened her eyes with a groan at the sound of her alarm. As much as she desired to go back to sleep, she knew she had to wake up and get ready for school. She sat up on her bed as she dreaded the fact that she wasn't born into a rock. She was contemplating if she should just pretend to be sick, knowing there wasn't much to miss on the first day of school.

However, as if to reading her thoughts, she heard her twin's voice right across the door. "Yuko, wake up. We are going to be late."

Fuyuko sighed. "Okay, I'll be out soon."

Once she heard his footsteps fading away, she got up and began to prepare for school. As soon as she was ready, she grabbed her bag and left her room. When she headed out, she saw Rintaro waiting for her in front of the entrance. "Let's go."

They both headed out with a tired look as they munched on a loaf of bread. They were both walking in silence, both paying attention to their own phones. They only broke their attention from their phones once they arrived at the gate of their school. They headed straight to the board to check their classrooms for the year.

• • •

Ginjima Hitoshi - Class 2




Miya Atsumu - Class 2

Miya Osamu - Class 1




Suna Fuyuko - Class 2

Suna Rintaro - Class 1

• • •

Fuyuko sighed as she saw whom she was classmates with. "Tsumu again. It's going to be loud."

Rintaro gave her a look of pity. "Good luck."

Before they were able to head to their designated classrooms, they heard familiar voices behind them. "Rintaro! Fuyuko!"

They both turned around to see Atsumu, Osamu, and Ginjima waving at them. They lazily waved back as they approached them.

"Fuyuko! We're classmates again! Isn't it great?!" Atsumu said excitedly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"More like torture," Osamu mumbled beside him as he ate his onigiri.

"Shut up, Samu!" Atsumu glared at his brother before turning back to Fuyuko. "You're happy to be classmates with me again, right?"

Fuyuko just gave him a middle finger before unwrapping his arm from her shoulders. Atsumu began to fake cry at her actions which she sighed at. She already felt drain from the amount of energy he had. Rintaro patted her back while Ginjima smiled at her. "Don't worry, you aren't alone."

"Good luck to us," Fuyuko mumbled.

When they headed to their assigned classrooms, Fuyuko saw that the classroom was half-filled already. When Atsumu entered the classroom along with her, she heard some girls squeal in excitement. Atsumu just ignored them while Fuyuko groaned in annoyance. This was something she had to deal with for the whole school year. She pitied herself as she sat at one of the empty seats.

Before she could even ask Ginjima to sit beside her, Atsumu sat beside her instantly with a grin. "Looks like we will be seatmates!"

Fuyuko gave him a look. "I wanted Gin beside me."

"Looks like you don't have a choice," Atsumu laughed.

Fuyuko looked at Ginjima for help, but he gave her an apologetic smile. They both knew how stubborn Atsumu can be.

Soon their advisor came in and introduced herself. She explained that their current seat will be their permanent seat for the term, despite Fuyuko's annoyance. Unlike her, Atsumu looked delighted to hear the news. "Isn't that great?!"

Fuyuko glared at him which Atsumu just brushed off. "I know you love having me around! You just don't want to admit it!"

She gave him a deadpanned look. " I really don't enjoy having you as my seatmate. All you are going to do is bother me."

"No way! How can this face be a bother?" He gasped dramatically as he clenched his chest.

Fuyuko sighed and just hoped for dismissal to come sooner. She wasn't ready to deal with his energy on the very first day of school. However, unlike how Fuyuko wished for, the day just had to go at a painfully slow pace. She was just halfway through her day since it was lunch period right now. She groaned internally as she slouched on top of her desk, closing her eyes.

Rintaro sighed at the sight of his sister as he tried to make her sit up to eat. "Yuko, you need to eat."

"I'm not hungry, Rin. Can I not eat it?" She asked with her eyes remained closed.

"Yuko," Rintaro gave her a warning tone. He knows that he does not eat a lot either, but she ate even less than he does, so he really had to force her to eat.

"Rin, I rather sleep," Fuyuko frowned as she finally opened her eyes to look at her twin.

Rintaro sighed at her stubbornness and opened her lunch to feed her himself. Seeing his action, Fuyuko sighed as she sat back up, forcing herself to eat. Once Rintaro managed to feed her half of her lunch, that was the only time he allowed her to sleep. He let her lean on his shoulder as she drifted off to sleep.

As Fuyuko slightly snored, Atsumu looked at Rintaro with jealousy. "I wish Fuyuko leaned onto me instead!"

"Maybe if you stop annoying her, she will, you dumbass," Osamu said as he munched on his food.

"She still has no idea how Tsumu feelings about her," Ginjima said with an amused face.

"It's not like I'm letting Tsumu take my sister," Rintaro said as he typed on his phone.

"Why not?! Look at my face! Who wouldn't want me?!" Atsumu complained.

"Your personality obviously is the problem," Osamu laughed.

Atsumu glared at his twin as he gave him a middle finger which Osamu gladly returned.

"I would have accepted if it was Samu or Gin instead," Rintaro said as he packed Fuyuko's and his lunch box.

The other two bursts out laughing, "You have zero chance with her!"

"SHUT UP!" Atsumu yelled, causing Fuyuko to wake up.

"Tsumu, please do shut up at least during lunch. I just want to take a nap in peace," Fuyuko yawned.

"Sorry..." Atsumu pouted as he did not mean to wake her up.

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