- Gottcha. - yelled the boy as she grabbed Soyeon's wrist, so she can't run away again. - Hand it over.

- Hand over what? - pretended the girl like she had no idea what he was talking about.

She even raised both of her hands, showing that she doesn't have the key, but Han Seojun didn't fall for it. He saw when the girl put the key in her pocket.
Yoon Soyeon played off well that nothing changed from one moment to the other, hiding the sudden thought deep in her head. And Seojun hated that he was facing a 'mask' once again. But he knew he had to be patient with the girl, so she can open up again, so he didn't say anything about it.

- In your pocket. - pointed towards it with his head.

None of them had the chance to speak again because another person appeared on the other side of Soyeon, grabbing her wrist just like Seojun.
Lee Suho didn't even look at the girl when she turned around to see who it is, he was only staring at the other boy. Han Seojun tightened his grip around Yoon Soyeon's wrist and pulled her towards himself barely noticeable, so the other boy won't do the same.

- What are you doing? - asked the boy with the mullet.

- I could ask you the same thing. - answered Lee Suho.


Thought Yoon Soyeon as she looked from one side to the other to examine the boys' expressions. If they could kill with their eyes, both of them would have been already dead. They were tense and angry. Something that anyone could see, no matter if they knew them or not. They looked like they hate each other. It was half of the truth. Because Han Seojun did hate Lee Suho. He hated him more than anyone else. He blamed him. And it pissed him off that Suho was treating Soyeon this way. He couldn't just stay in the girl's life as if nothing happened. He couldn't be around her and play all nice.
Suho knew the other boy was still angry with him. He knew exactly what he thinks about him but he never said anything. He was fine with being the one to blame. Even he blamed himself so even though it hurt him as his best friend treated him, he stayed quiet. He couldn't help Seyeon before, so at least he wanted to help Seojun by taking the blame. But he couldn't stay away from Soyeon. At first, it was his plan. Avoid the girl at all costs, but it changed pretty quickly after she came back. Then he decided it was best to talk to her and taking all his courage he met her to talk things out. He didn't expect that Yoon Soyeon will be the one who didn't want to sort things out. Not yet. And he understood that, so he just tried to help her by being around, being someone she can call anytime.

And Soyeon, she still didn't know why the two of them were always fighting. They are supposed to be best friends. She knew it'll make her plans more difficult but luckily another factor will make it easier. She wanted the two boys to fight but it wasn't the right time, so she intervened.

- Okay, okay, stop. - she pulled her hands out of the boys' grip. - Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you two? You always fighting...

None of them answered. They looked at Soyeon for a moment but then they went back to staring at each other, with that difference that this time it seemed like they were ready to jump at each other.

- Here, your keys. - took out the mentioned object from her jacket's pocket and shoved it into Seojun's hand, trying to push him backward. - You go that way, you that way.

Said Soyeon as she turned to Lee Suho and tried to push him too towards the other direction, where he came from. They both stepped back a couple of small steps and it finally looked like they were about to leave. But they didn't. They stopped again staring at the girl this time. She decided it was best if she goes a third way. So she did. She waved to the boys and ran away in another direction.


As Soyeon entered the place and started to look for the right room, she was soon to stop.

"How do you do?

How have you been?

It doesn't seem like I'm alright."

A voice was heard singing this song in a karaoke place. It was beautiful but broken at the same time. The male voice was filled with emotions that made you feel the same as the singer. And Yoon Soyeon did experience quite similar feelings as the owner of the voice.

Kang Soojin called her about an hour ago to come and join them at the karaoke. She said that after they were done with the study session they decided to go and relax this way. At first, Soyeon didn't want to come but as she heard that Lee Suho was tagging along too, she couldn't miss the chance to see him in a karaoke bar. She rushed to the address she got from her friends and was ready to go to the room they were in, to take pictures of Suho's face.
She was stopped by the beautiful, to-well-know voice and song.

Her heart was pounding like crazy and tears slowly gathered in her eyes. She didn't expect to hear this song at a place like this. She was still mourning. Everyone else just seemed to move on so well but she just couldn't. Her life was knotted to her brother. And he was gone. The fact that she had to live on without him, killed her inside. She tried her best to avoid anything related to Seyeon. And this song...Out of nowhere...

Yoon Soyeon quickly wiped her tears and rushed out of the place. She ran down the stairs and took a big breath, hoping the cold air would calm her down a little bit. She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes. She was trying to clear her mind. Trying to put aside her feelings. Bottling them up and hiding them behind her mask.
The karaoke place's door opened again and she could hear how a person coming down the stairs. Soyeon didn't really pay attention until the person who just came out suddenly spoke up.

- Tinkerbell? - asked a confused Han Seojun.

The girl opened her eyes and quickly looked in the direction of the voice.
Han Seojun was standing right beside her, a little bit leaning down as he was observing the girl's face. His expression was curious and genuine. He didn't expect to see Soyeon here and he didn't know why she was making such a painful face. He was sad to see the girl with teary eyes but he also knew it was finally not the mask he was usually facing when he was talking to her. Just as he thought about this, Yoon Soyeon wiped her tears once again and got her expression under control.
Han Seojun sighed as he was tired of this 'new' Soyeon who never shared her thoughts and feelings with him. The girl used to tell everything to him, to her brother, and to Suho. They knew about every problem of hers. They knew if she was sad, angry, irritated, and so on. But now...He couldn't seem to understand the girl.
As Soyeon looked back to the karaoke place and wiped the last drop of tears, the boy suddenly got the idea of what just happened.

- You heard me, didn't you?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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