chapter 4

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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
thought no one would notice
└─── °∘❉∘° ───┘

Yoon Soyeon, Kang Sua, Lim Jugyeong, and Kang Soojin were walking next to each other, arms linked while they were chatting. Jugyeong was feeling down because she didn't understand anything in math class and the others tried to bring her mood up. Soyeon was bringing herself up as an example. She didn't understand anything in math class either and she was even got picked on by the teacher. It calmed down a little bit Jugyeon but she was still bitter.

- I guess I can't go to college by flunking math. - complained the one with the brightest hair.

- Just get good scores on other subjects. - advised Soojin.

- I'll never make it into college. - continued whining like she couldn't even hear what the other said.

- Why don't you join our math academy? - brought up the idea Sua, and looked to the girl beside her. - Both Soojin and Suho take classes there.

- Should I?

- Yes. - nodded both of the Kang girls.

- You too. - turned Sua to the other side to look at Soyeon.

- Me? - asked the girl surprised, as she couldn't say anything about this topic.

- Yes, you're bad at math, but you can't fail. - explained the short-haired one.

- I have no interest in math. - blocked the invite Yoon Soyeon.

- Ya, it's not about interest. - hissed Kang Soojin. - You have to get into a good college and for that, you have to study math.

- Hm...I have no interest in university either. - said the girl, then with a mischievous smile, she said. - I will be an artist.

- You still need to learn math. - hit her Kang Sua.

Soyeon pretended it hurt her and unlinked their arms, just to grab the spot she was hit. To make it dramatic, she started to complain about how much pain she is and that she would never imagine Sua can hit so hard. The short-haired girl just stuck out her tongue in response, and Soyeon did the same.
Kang Sua was like a ray of sunshine. Always bright and energetic, calming and still exciting. Yoon Soyeon had always liked hanging around her, even when the girl switched into total fangirl mode and she wouldn't shut up at least for a couple of hours. She could make her forget all her trouble for a while, and Soyeon was really grateful for her, even tho she never said that to Sua. Maybe she didn't even know how much did she help with just being herself, and being a fluffball.

- Ya, Yoon Soyeon! - shouted a loud voice behind the girls, and as they turn around they saw the owner of the voice.

- Kim Chorong? - asked Soojin as she processed who was it. - What does he have to do with you?

- Not much, but after Han Seojun called me Tinkerbell in the morning, I have been avoiding him. And now, he sent his gang to get me. - explained quickly Soyeon. - I gotta go. See you in class!

And with that Yoon Soyeon started running away. Behind her at least 6 boys followed her, led by Kim Chrorong who was surprisingly fast.
In the morning when the girl was having that little bickering with Han Seojun, she managed to escape by calling the boy 'the terrible Hook' and saying that Tinkerbell has to run away from the ugly pirate. Seojun was so shocked he was called 'ugly' he stopped confusedly and when he looked back at the girl, she wasn't there already. Then for the whole day, when the two of them met eyes, Soyeon turned around and went in the other direction. It was a lot harder to ignore him in the classroom, considering she was sitting right in front of him, but whenever the boy tried to talk to him she pretended like she didn't hear it. The only interaction between them that day was in math class when Han Seojun couldn't hold back his laugh.

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