"And all the time I feel claustrophobic, and I feel like everyone hates me, except Taylor. And certain people are so controlling and they keep pointing and it's like well why is she in charge? And It's making me upset." Olivia said bravely handing the microphone back. Everyone started clapping, all except Katy. The room fell silent and now it was Katy's turn to stand up.

"What the hell Olivia? Are you saying that this isn't a nice place? I thought you were head cheerleader? Where's you're school spirit? You don't deserve to wear the  school colours. Maybe you should die, then we won't have to hear you whine all the time." Katy shouted, now storming onto the stage with her. Mrs Parton was trying to hold her back, but it was useless.

"Aw, look! Olivia's gonna cry!" Someone from the audience shouted, as the whole room erupted into laughter, and Olivia ran off the stage and into the wings of the stage, clearly crying. I got up, and made my own way onto the stage.

"Katy, you are suspended! Turn off the cameras! Turn them off, goddammit!" Mrs Parton said as she motioned for the cameras to be shut down.

"Is that all you care about? TV cameras?" I shouted to her, I could feel the anger inside me.

"I care about saving lives. Katy ruined a valuable-" Mrs Parton began before I put my hand up and interrupted her.

"Valuable? None of us want this. You, using these experiences to make a good TV programme? Olivia thought she could trust you. You promised her you'd protect her." I explained, as Mrs Parton opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't find anything to say.

"This is their big secret. The adults are powerless. They can't help us. Nobody can." I heard Karlie's voice ring out from
the crowd.

"You're useless." I told her.

"You're all idiots!" I continued, now looking out into the crowd of students.

"Taylor, you should sit back-" I heard Adam begin, he was now stood up on the front row.

"No! Karlie Kloss was a monster, just like Tom and Harry. But they didn't kill themselves, I killed them. What do you all think about that?" I shouted out to the crowd. There was silence for a while. I could see Adam's face, stabbing me through the air with his stare, before Katy gave out a laugh.

"God, some people will say anything if they think it'll make them popular!" She laughed as all the other kids in the hall laughed with her, and began to move from their seats and out into the hallways. I ran after Olivia whilst the rest of the hall was distracted. I heard Adam shout my name as I ran but I didn't look back, just kept running.

I found Olivia in the school grounds, a container full of pills in her hands, she was desperately trying to get the child proof cap off as I reached her, quickly swiping the bottle from her hand.

"Hey!" Olivia said reaching out for it, before she looked up into my eyes and hung her head.

"Liv, listen to me. If you were happy all the time you wouldn't be human. Katy is horrible, she spreads rumours all the time, everything she says is a lie. But you, you are one of the most talented, honest and kind people I know, and you always have been ever since the very start. And throwing your life away to be a statistic in USA Today? That's the worst thing you could possibly do. You have so much more to live for." I said taking her hand in mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"But what about Karlie? Tom and Harry?" She said, very naively. I sighed.

"If everyone jumped off a bridge, young lady, would you?" I asked her. She just shrugged.

"Probably." She said truthfully. I sighed again before she let out a small laugh and before I knew it we were both laughing and crying as I held her in a tight and reassuring hug.

"Thanks for coming after me." She smiled, giving my one last hug before skipping off and out of the school gates. I watched her go the tears still running down my face.

I suddenly became aware of two hands on waist as I turned around to see Adam behind me.

"You're a genius! You know, you had me worried with your little confession but you pulled it off. Best place to hide: right in plain sight." He laughed giving me his usual crazed grin. I pushed him away from

"I wasn't trying to hide." I said honestly, walking away.

"But why'd you have to go and mess with Olivia? One more dead is a good thing." Adam shrugged walking after me. I spun around giving him a hard glare. I seriously cannot believe he just said that.

"She's my friend." I told him sternly.

"If she's such a good friend, why let Katy live? The bitch who made Olivia want to die, nothing ever changes! Unless-" He went on, as I interrupted him.

"Hey, we are out of the "change" business! You promised me, remember? You promised me you loved me, but you don't, you're just using me-" I started before I was interrupted.

"Doesn't it bother you-" He began.

"Don't talk over me! You promised." I told him sternly. He just shrugged, grinning like an actual psychopath.

"I'm leaving. Don't call me. Don't talk to me. You don't know right from wrong. We're over." I told him simply, walking away.

"Come on, come back!" Adam laughed like this was all some kind of joke.

"Over!" I repeated. "Goodbye, Adam." I said as I walked off out the gates, ignoring his constant shouts of my name.

(A/N- Well this was a really depressing chapter I'm sorry, but hey at least she broke up with Calcium Hydroxide over here)

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