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Dear Diary.
Well today is the big assembly thing at school for Karlie and Harry and Tom. Aka a day of literal hell for me. Mrs Parton has this whole thing planned about suicide awareness and it just makes me feel worse and worse. I haven't spoken to Adam since what Karlie said, I've been trying to avoid him.

I placed my diary back in its home by the side of my bed. I hadn't taken it to school since Karlie's death for the simple fact that if anyone stole it and read it, I'd be packing and straight off to prison. I grabbed my bag, almost missing the bus and arrived at school, dreading the day before me.

"Taylor! There you are! I need you girls in place for the assembly." Mrs Parton said bossily as she tried to hustle a group of kids into the hall. I half heartedly followed after and took my seat next to Olivia to grabbed my hand and gave me a squeeze for reassurance.

"I'm kind of nervous about this." She whispered too me. Katy scoffed next to her.

"Grow up Olivia." She sneered rolling her eyes, and letting out a small laugh. Olivia let go of my hand quickly.

"Hello, Students! I want you to ignore the television cameras and the TV
news crews. We're here to document this specific moment. Whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make. I know, I know. Do you know what I'm gonna do right now?" Mrs Parton said seriously from the stage.

"Kill yourself on stage?" Someone shouted from the back of the hall. All the students started to laugh, including Katy. Mrs Parton frowned, but just ignored the comment and continued.

"My senior thesis at Berkeley was on the subject of pediatric psychotherapy. It was very well regarded, so I speak with some authority when I tell you that the way to eliminate suicide is by first eliminating fear by creating a safe zone in which we all are equal, because you all are beautiful!" Mrs Parton said in an overly happy voice. Every student in the hall gave her a disbelieving look.

"Who wants to share some of their feelings?" Mrs Parton continued when no one put their hand up she frowned.

"No volunteers? Fine, I'll start My name is Dolly and I live alone, My husband left
My kids are all grown up and left too.
In the 80s love was easy, that wasn't great for me, so now I live with my cat, because I've tried everything, struggled with despair, joined a cult, chopped all my hair off, chanted, prayed but it's never worked. So that's my life. Who else wants to share?" Mrs Parton said miserably. She really did have a terrible life, I'm gonna be honest. The whole room went silent and no one put their hand in the air. It was still for a second before I felt Olivia slowly start to stand out of her seat.

"I'd like to share." Olivia said nervously as she cautiously raised her hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" Katy hissed loudly grabbing her wrist to sit her back down.

"No no no no no! Don't stop Olivia! You're in a safe place. It's just you and me and your classmates who love you! Go on, share! It's gonna be okay." Mrs Parton reasoned, giving Katy a death glare.

"Olivia sit the fuck back down." Katy hissed yet again. Mrs Parton glared at her yet again and she was silent. Olivia slowly got up on the stage taking the microphone from Mrs Parton's hands.

"My sort-of boyfriend killed himself because he was gay for his linebacker. My best friend seemed to have it all together but she's gone, too. Now my stomach's
hurting worse and worse and every morning on the bus I feel my heart beating harder and faster
and I'm like Jesus, I'm on the freakin' bus again because all my rides to school are dead..." Olivia said slowly. She stopped for a minute before continuing cautiously

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