Chapter 2: Don't Be Chicken

Start from the beginning

It felt like listening to a toddler babble. Yet again, her lips turned up. "You really do well for yourself, Gaston."

"Yes I do. If only Belle saw that."

"I mean, she has herself a prince."

Gaston leaned his head back. "Don't mention the Beast in my tavern. He's so...beastly."

"Fair description. But you have to admit looks aren't everything."

Gaston laughed. "Oh, Nora. Don't believe everything you hear."

"What about how awesome you are at hunting? Isn't that something other than looks?"

Gaston considered. "Yes. I guess you're right. It makes me extra amazing."

Oof. She'd tried. "Belle has those things that make her extra amazing despite her looks too."

"That's nice." He looked outside, obviously not caring about her opinions. "Looks like the storm is letting up." Gaston strode over to the counter, gesturing for a Cast Member before saying, "Here. Take one for the road. Eat it later and think of me and how selfless I am." Gaston winked.

Nora followed him, taking a box from a Cast Member. "Wow. That's actually thoughtful. Kind of."

"Tell me about it." He put a hand over his heart, walking backwards. "You love me."

"Bye, Gaston."

"Don't hurt yourself staying away from me, Nora!"

"I'll try my very hardest." She couldn't help sharing a grin with him before he was gone.

Nora went back over to her table, her heart lighter. That had actually been fun. And with Gaston of all people.

She took out her phone, looking at the meet and greet times for the rest of the day. Maybe it was time to get over her fear.

Nora stood in Jack Sparrow's line, her cheeks flaming. This wasn't a good idea. What if he remembered her and laughed about how he'd found her almost knocked out on the ground? She had squatted down like she was pooping. Pooping! And she'd touched his hand. And made inappropriate weird awkward comments.

Davy Jones should just send her to the locker now before she became an even bigger embarrassment.

But the line moved steadily on as Jack came out. She peeked over the guests in front of her, watching the way his dreadlocks fell down his back, his graceful fingers always curled in eccentric ways, like a rogue ballerina. His deeper, smooth voice that always has a witty saying on his tongue, a dash of humor, a hint of daring. He held himself in a sort of uncertain confidence. Her focus locked onto that irony, because that was how she felt all the time. Her enthusiasm was her shield, but her insides screamed shy, low self-esteem, lonely. Lonely. Lonely.

And then it was her turn. His eyes surveyed her with uncertainty as she approached, her face almost fearful, because she didn't know what to say. She was decent with people normally, she could usually come up with talking points, but this was meeting not only her favorite character, but someone who had been a sort of prince charming to her.

"I assure you, I'm no longer cursed. While I do have a skeleton, it does have plenty of flesh on it." Jack held up a finger as he thought. "I also don't have a tentacle face."

Nora blinked. He was trying to put her at ease, though none of his comments hinted at their first meeting. Yet it was the same Jack Sparrow. She knew there wasn't "more" than one, but she knew her Jack. Her Jack had a slimmer face and was younger than the others. Her Jack looked at people as if he wanted to say what they wanted to hear, not what he would ramble just because he could. Her Jack was a gentleman who pretended to be a villain, not the other way around.

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