𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

Start bij het begin

In a matter of seconds, Draco felt everything around him and inside of him come to an abrupt stop.

His breathing stopped.

The palpitation of his heart stopped.

The pain spreading throughout his body stopped.

Everything stopped.

He didn't want to accept the fact that Cora had seen and heard everything.

With Draco's blue hues still glued onto the dark shadow of the girl, Draco's hand tightly clutched onto the suit inside the robe the man was wearing and the blonde looked at Sam for a split second.

"Let go of me," Draco tried pushing the man above him away from him but failed at doing so. "Let go of me!" He shouted, exasperated.

"Let go of my suit." Sam insisted and at the act of Draco not doing as he said, the older man lifted the boy's upper body and violently forced it down.

The platinum haired boy silently whimpered at the impact his head made with the solid ground, instantly feeling light-headed and slowly letting go of his grip on Sam's suit.

Sam tore his eyes from the pale, bloody looking boy below him and looked up, his eyes and ears searching for any sudden movement.

"Expect an owl from me sometime this week, Draco. I have something planned for Cora and genuinely can't wait to see her reaction to it."

The blonde could see his smile through his cloudy vision and he looked away, planting his eyes in the direction the brunette had run off onto.

"Don't you dare ruin my plans, you foolish boy," Sam looked back down at Draco and lifted his knees from the ground before wiping off the dirt off the rich fabric of his pants. "If you do, I won't hesitate in ruining your plans with your mother."

And with that, Sam took a few steps back from the limp body laying down on the ground and within seconds apparated, silence finally filled the air.

Grunting, Draco slowly lifted his head from the ground and placed his knees on the ground before lifting them from the ground, having difficulty in doing so.

A firm hand held onto Draco's arm and the blonde felt his arm get thrown over someone's shoulder, his head snapping towards the person.

It was a boy, but he couldn't quite put a face on the person. Draco internally swore at himself at not being able to identify the boy.

"You're bleeding out," Finn said, vaguely, and Draco's body instantly tensed the same way a child's body would when getting caught stealing candy from the kitchen late at night. Red-handed.

Finn, the boy who's completely and utterly in love with the girl he was betraying had heard everything. It was only a matter of time until he chattered about everything he knew to Cora and she distanced herself from him. He didn't want that. He still wanted time with her.

"I would let you bleed out and die all alone, but Cora would hate my guts if she knew I allowed you to die that way. I, unlike you, care about her feelings." He spit out.

"I care about her, Warden. More than I'd like to."

Finn clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on Draco before pushing him against a tree, a slight groan escaping Draco's mouth.

"If you cared about her, even the fucking minimum, you would've never betrayed her this way!" He yelled at him, each word louder than the one before. As if yelling would make the blonde understand any better than he already did.

"I messed up, alright? But I do. I fucking care about her, Finn. I swear I do and I plan on making things right with her. The last thing I want is for her to end up badly injured, or worse, —"

"—Dead. She'll end up dead and all because of you." Finn declared, his voice an octave lower.

Draco shook his head, "I won't let it happen. I won't allow for her to die."

Finn harshly let go of the boy and took a step back, "How do I know you're saying the truth and not manipulating me like you do to everyone you speak to?"

"I'll swear it," Draco swallowed. "I'll make an unbreakable vow — but I need your help as well."

Finn sighed heavily, "I don't plan on joining you on your little adventure of bringing Cora to her father so that he can torture her."

Draco's brows slightly furrowed and eyes narrowed, taking a step forward, "How do you know so much about what I've been doing with her father?"

"I've been following you for weeks," Finn admitted and Draco scoffed, furious. "I saw when you had your panic attack."

The platinum haired boy looked away, too embarrassed to look at him in the eye. And suddenly a flashback of his open drawer with Sam's owls to him scattered all over his desk came to his mind. All this time he thought it was Pansy, but it wasn't.

"You went through my things as well, didn't you?" Draco returned his attention to the boy and observed as Finn nodded his head, not ashamed at all.

"And I'm glad I did." He briefly stated and the blonde sighed, taking a step forward.

"Pansy will be the one to hold the wand for the unbreakable vow." Draco continued walking and Finn rolled his eyes at the mention of Pansy before moving his legs, walking behind the blonde.

"It wasn't Cora," Finn suddenly blurted out and Draco snapped his head in his direction, slowly faltering in his steps. "Cora wasn't the one who heard you talking with her father, it was Pansy. I followed her here without her knowing."

The words that fell out of the boy's mouth made Draco's anguish ease, his body being the first thing to loosen up.

If his head weren't pounding so loud, Draco would probably start an argument regarding Finn following  both Pansy and him without them knowing.

"A little help would be nice." Draco suggested, not enough stamina inside of him to keep going. He was tired and couldn't wait until he could finally lay on his bed.

A smirk crossed Finn's face at Draco's suggestion and he fastened his pace, walking past the platinum haired boy.

"I've helped you enough today, Malfoy. Good luck getting to the hospital wing." Finn beamed, looking at Draco over his shoulder before averting his attention back to front and jogging up the tall hills to get to the school.

The blonde boy tucked in his lips, slightly irritated, before pressing the palm of his hand against each tree along his path up the hill to avoid falling.

If that was what being old and infirm felt like, he was sure he didn't want to grow old.

If it weren't for his urgent need to see Cora those past few minutes, Draco wouldn't have hesitated in sitting on the ground and resting his back against the uncomfortable tree.

But he wanted to see those soft brown eyes of hers.

He wanted to see her long, brunette hair just so that he could twirl his fingers around her hair and smell her chamomile scented hair.

His skin ached for her touch.

His lips craved her plump ones.

His ears searched for her endearing voice.

And his heart pounded harder and harder each step he took closer to her dorm.

He could no longer deny it.

He fell for her. Excruciatingly hard.

*internally screaming*

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