Chapter One: A Date?

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A/N: Should make this clear first. This is a semi quirkless au. Bakugou and a few others do not have quirks. I'll make sure to make it obvious in the story when it comes to that. This also means that not everyone met at UA. I'll make it clear when I write this.

It was quiet. The only sounds were the scraping of a fork on a plate. A sigh ran out in the room. The short blond stood from his chair and picked up two plates. One was empty, the other full and untouched. The blond hated wasting food so he placed it in the refrigerator. He spent yet another Friday alone. He picked up his phone and saw that it was already 2 am. He made his way to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He slipped off his dark red dress and hung it up so maybe he could wear it out whenever they do go out.

He looked down at his hand and grimed at the promise ring around his finger. Did he really want to marry a man that he barely sees anymore? He watched as something black dripped onto his hand. He looked back up to his reflection. He was crying. He was upset. He had all the right to be upset too. He asked him to make time for him and he said he would but here he is. Standing almost naked in the bathroom crying, his makeup was completely ruined. He picked up his phone and called the only person he could at the time of night.





"Katsuki, we're coming over now. Camie is just trying to find her keys again." Shoto's voice rang from the other side. He nodded his head and then mentally slapped himself. Shoto couldn't see him. "O-okay." He cringed at his own voice crack and turned on his shower. "You know where the spare key is. Just let me shower first." "Okay. We'll pack a bag for you." Katsuki smiled as he hung up. They were definitely going to get some late-night ice cream.

After his shower, he cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. That's the least he could do.

"Took you long enough babe." Katsuki walked into his room to see his orange and black duffle back near the door, Shoto and Inasa sitting on his bed, and Camie going through his closet. "Here, we're going out tomorrow. Or today since it's 3 in the morning." Camie threw him her favorite pair of jeans which show every godforsaken curve on his ass. Camie has been trying for months to get him to dump Izuku for some other hot guy who she deems fit. He rolls his eyes before shoving them into his bag.

"Can you not pull everything out of our closet. I gotta clean that up when I get back." Katsuki pushed his hands into his pockets and leaned back onto Shoto. He made an "oof" sound but didn't say anything. "Don't worry babe, I'll just push it all into the closet again." Before he could get up to protest Camie jumped on him. The two boys let out groans as she laughed. Katsuki felt his phone vibrate from his back pocket. He went to grab it before he felt shoto took it.

"Damn it. It's late. Let's head back to my house." Camie pulled Katsuki up before he could say anything to the split-haired boy. "Wait a sec-!" "I'll grab your bag!" Inasa said with a smile before doing so. Todoroki was leaning the way to the car with Inasa right behind him. Katsuki just sighed and smiled. All they wanted to do was make him happy. "Oh, I have some tea to spill when we get back." "That's not fair! You can't just tell us and then make us wait!" Camie whined as Shoto laughed.

They have all been friends since their first year of high school. It was by pure coincidence that they were all in detention that day. Todoroki got sent for back talking to a teacher. Camie was caught in the bathroom doing her makeup and refusing to leave until her eyebrows were even. Inasa just followed Camie since they were supposed to walk home together. And Katsuki pushed down some kid named Monoma. It's not his fault he thought he could bump into him and not suffer the wrath of Bakugou Katsuki.

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