Chapter 3 💚🪐

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You finished work 10 minutes later than you expected so the walk to Uni was rushed. As you entered your lecture hall the class had already started and you were sweaty and red faced. Everyone turned their head to look at you and you quietly shuffled your way through the sea of people finally finding a seat next to this really annoying guy. His name was Isaac and he was the type of person to think you were friends even though you hadn't had a proper conversation with each other.

"Someone must have better things to do" Isaac leant over to whisper to you. You glared at him.

"Excuse me?" You whispered harshly.

"Well you missed a whole lesson last week and you've come in late for the past 3 lessons so I don't know. Seems kinda sketchy" he said shrugging. You couldn't believe him. You leaned closer to him so only he could hear you.

"Not that it's any if your business but last week I was sick and the past couple of mornings I've been doing shifts at work. Stop assuming things like "oh I have better things to do" and focus on yourself. Last time I checked you were the one who was failing this class" you snapped finally sitting back into your chair.

He looked away in embarrassment and you finally focused on what was happening. The professor was explaining that the research investigations you had been planning for the past year would now need to be written. You could still remember in high school having the whole thing written in 8 weeks but in this program it took a whole year to figure out your research question. The first step to the entire report. The only thing that was keeping you going at this point was the fact that it was your last assignment ever before a final exam and then, if you passed, you had a PhD in biology.

It was all so exciting and it felt as if life was finally coming together. You sighed in content and went back to typing notes.

Spencer's POV:

The entire team was silent as they dealt with their hangovers. Emily lay face down on her desk scribbling on the paper every so often. Of course Spencer was almost done with his reports but he would stay the entire day because a case could randomly pop up.

After 15 more minutes, Spencer put the pen down and gathered his papers into a pile heading towards Hotch's office. As he reached the door he waited a second and then knocked on the door with his free hand. Spencer entered at the words "come in".

"Finished?" Hotch asked as Spencer walked in.

"Yep" Spencer replied.

"Nice work Reid" Hotch said as Spencer put the paper down.

"You're free to go now, have a nice weekend" Hotch said giving Reid a very small smile.

"Oh- what about any cases?" Spencer said freezing.

"Look I've only told JJ but I'm giving you all a 3 day holiday guaranteed. I figured you could all use a break after that last case" Hotch said turning back to his papers.

"O-okay. Uh thank you" Spencer said as he left his office. As he turned the corner he saw JJ walking up the steps holding her now complete papers.

"Hey Spence can I ask you something once I've handed these in? Maybe just wait here for a second" she said slipping past Spencer before he could say something. She walked back out and pulled him off to the side.

"Hey I know it's a lot to ask but Will and I have to take Michael to a specialist doctor outside of town tomorrow however we will have to stay in a motel as he is getting tests done over two days. Will and I were wondering if you could maybe babysit Henry for us? We know it's a lot to ask for and we are willing to pay you but we aren't up to bringing Henry along especially when Michael isn't feeling well" she said looking at Spencer with puppy eyes.

"Yeah no of course, I would be glad to. I'd love to spend time with Henry!" Spencer replied back eagerly. Relief flooded JJs face.

"Oh thank you so much Spencer. I also asked Y/n if she could babysit and she said she could but she also has to work on her PhD so she wasn't sure if she could do it all by herself. So I'll let her know that you will be helping out, if that's still okay with you?" JJ said smiling at Spencer.

Spencer would be looking after Henry for the next 2 days with y/n and he couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah that's fine" he said still smiling.

"Awesome, thank you!" JJ said patting his shoulder.
Class had finished and you packed up your bag pretty fast, leaving the room without glancing at Isaac who tried to get your attention. You had made it to the park just on the outskirts of the suburbs leading closer to the city. Towards your house. You were minding your own business until a soccer ball rolled up to your feet. You looked up to see a little blonde boy running up to you yelling:

"Auntie y/n!"

"Henry!" You yelled to him before he slammed into you, hugging you tightly. For a 4 year old that dude could bowl you over if he wanted to.

"Hey buddy" you said hugging him back as JJ and Will walked up to you.

"Hey y/n" JJ said giving you a hug. You greeted them back.

"I spoke to Spence and he said he's all good to help babysit tomorrow night if you're still up for it?" She asked you hesitantly.

Your face must have shown surprise because JJ started to look doubtful.

"Yeah no, that's totally fine I just thought maybe Emily could help out. But Spencer is Fine. He's more than fine actually..." you trailed off and JJ grinned at you.

"Yeah I thought about Emily but it looks as though it might take her a couple of days to get over that hangover so dealing with Henry might be challenging to her. But thank you so much! This means a lot to us" JJ said grabbing your arm in gratitude. You smiled at her and looked towards Henry.

Butterflies grew in your stomach at the thought of spending the next 2 days with Spencer.

This chapter is shorter because next chapter is gonna be a long one! I'm so excited to write it but it's currently 1 am. Please excuse any mistakes!!  Next chapter will most definitely be written tomorrow
- Trini 💚🪐

Mismatched socks || Spencer Reid x reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin