Chapter 2: Let Me Stay With You

Start from the beginning

"I-i am Irumi..." Irumi said softly, bowing her head, her nervousness was getting the better of her. It was the first time she was out in public where there were so many people staring at her. So many new things to absorb. Her tiny hand gripped her own tail tighter, while hiding further behind Opera's legs.

Sullivan's laugh roared in the room, his fierce aura was menacing, warning people around to mind their own business, which they did. While at the same time his laugh was also helping to calm Irumi down. "Irumi-chan is just so shy. Please do forgive her, young Asmodeus. It is her first time in such a place after all." His words made Alice flinch, before he quickly gave a quick bow of respect to the elder. After all, a young demon like  him had just seen the Great Hero's aura. It definitely would have gave him some trauma, let alone scare him.

"Alice, would you be a dear and bring Irumi-sama to look around and get more comfortable? As a boy you'll be protecting her of course, wouldn't you?" Amaryllis asked Alice. It was more like an order as compared to  a question. Alice sighed inwardly, but nodded his head and held his hand out to the Irumi, who only looked up at her grandpa for approval before she smiled at Alice and place her hand on Alice's.
'Her hand is so tiny. And that smile.... Unfair. hmph' Alice thought as he gently led the girl out to the garden.

"W-where are we going?" She asked the taller demon, as she just followed him, not knowing their destination.
"I want to show you something." Alice said as he led the other into a little forest of flowers. It was a quiet place as compared to the tea party that was held in the manor. Alice didn't like the rowdy kids that were there, as much as he wished to toss the responsibility of Irumi onto them, he couldn't bear to see her stressed, like she was earlier. It was obvious Irumi would have preferred to have a little alone time before she had to interact with the others again.

Irumi's eyes sparkled as she watched the the beautiful array of flowers in different shades of color, spread out in front of her. But a special one stood out to her. It was a rose, a silver one. Feeling intrigued, she let go of Alice's hand, unknowingly making Alice grumble at the lack of warmth in his hand where her hand once were.

"That's a Silverbreath. It is my Mother's favorite flower. Somehow it is very difficult to grow even though the gardener tried his very best to grow it, there is only one as you can see." Alice said in pity, before he spoke up again. "Would you like to take it? You can have it if you like."
'I know you will take it. Just take it. That will show that you are a selfish brat that just wants the good for yourself. That's how all Demons are. Selfish.' Alice thought.

Irumi blinked at the Asmodeus in confusion, as though he had grown a second head. "Why would Irumi do that?" She asked softly, before she turned her head back to stare at the flower, admiring the beauty of it, while she ensured that she had maintained an appropriate distance from the flower to not accidentally harm the flower from her clumsiness.
"Why wouldn't you? Don't you like it? Most Demons would just take what they want even without my permission!" Alice almost yelled, he couldn't understand.
"It will die. If Irumi take it from the bush, it won't be able to get the nutrients it needs from the rest of the plant. Irumi don't want it to die for Irumi's selfishness. Irumi is satisfied just watching it from a distance. also your mommy likes it. She would be sad if Irumi took it." She said before smiling cutely at the other, as she tried to reasoned.
"You are weird. People would have stolen it the moment I said it is rare." Alice said, staring at the other, dumbfounded by how stunning her smile was.

Suddenly from behind the bush, out jumps a giant queen Bee. Who probably made a nest in the beautiful garden, and the 2 kids have intruded.
"Insolent children. I have heard enough about your plans regarding stealing my flowers in my garden. You ought to be punished. Which one of you should I punish first?" The bee buzzed.

[Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun] Fem!Iruma x Asmodeus Alice - Fated OneWhere stories live. Discover now