Chapter 2: Sound the Charge!

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The Commisar took off his Gas mask and he blew the whistle. The Guardsmen charged onto No man's land into the hellfire of stubber fire, and artillery shells. He saw that dozens of his fellow soldiers never even made it to the enemy trench while  Artillery sounded all around him and he somehow managed to slip into the enemy's trench along with the Commisar and a few of his fellow Guardsmen.

He fired his lasgun at the traitors blowing their heads up. The Commisar charged in the middle of them shouting "Don't run do fast you, bastards!"

Stubber rang out throughout the trench, and the Commisar decided to lead the charge. The squad pops out of cover but we're mowed down before the gunners were killed by Hagaf, and he was the only one left. Before he could celebrate his victory he was rudely shot by a traitor leaving him in a pool of blood. He only lasted about an hour. But at least he took half a dozen heretics with him.

Somewhere behind the frontlines 1 hour later

An Imperial General sits with his advisory board.

"My lord, we have received order of the attack." Said one of his advisors.

"Was it a success?" Asked the General

"Yes my lord."


"10,000 Guardsmen for 5,000 traitors. We have won a Kilometer of land."

"I see this as a success, dismissed."

"Yes my lord."

The advisory board all walked out followed by him. He went to his quarters, undressed, and went to sleep.

He felt something in the room with him. So he turned on the lights. And then he saw what seems to be a 12-13-year-old girl with some sort of white dress and fox ears.

"Who the hell are you?!" He shouts as he grabs his Bolt Pistol.

"I am Senko, the Demi-God." She said rather calmly.


He raised his bolter pistol shooting one round and blowing her up leaving red bits all over the place. He called for some Guardsmen to clean up the floors and went back to sleep.

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