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For you to be free from them, on your bed, protect yourself by spreading a salt around you. That way, they can't come to you..

Remember, around you okay, make sure there's no gaps and do it before you sleep..

Said the man's voice over the phone..

So, tonight.. while my husband is sleeping facing me with his back and wrapped up with his blanket.. I started making a safety boundary around me.. Since he's closer to the other side of the bed, I grabbed it as a chance to make my protection efficient..

I started pouring the salt around my space carefully to make sure his sleep won't be disturbed..

Slowly.. and--

"Ow! What the heck are yo--"

He gets up with an infuriated expression..


He impatiently asked..

"Why are you doing this??!"

"It's salt.. A-Are you burning?"

"What's this salt is for?! Why are you spreading it on the bed for pete's sake!!? At this time of the night!!!"

"It's for my protection!"

I grabbed my phone and dialled a number..

"You! You're burning, aren't you?!"


"You're not supposed to react! There's supposed to be no problem with salt!"

He left the bed and paced to my side instead, I badly panic! I can't confirm anymore if I accidentally left a gap! Is he finding his way?!



He growled..

I was so scared and trembling.. He was now so close to me.. I'm so scared to die! I can't die! And so, with all I got, with no other way out.. I screamed..


He stopped in his tracks..


A stretching silence then engulfed us but my mind is in a mile away..

Should I fix the spaces? But he might see his way to me.. Should l act like I'm not scared because he can't penetrate my barricade.. But he might found out soon.. Shou--


He growled and turned to walk away as he smashed the lampshade.. I flinched.. I'm afraid.. but I can only witness him left with my tears stained face..

"Hello? Copter? Are you okay?"

I forgot that he's already on the other line after the second ring.. He must've heard us fighting..

"K-Kim.. I need you.. Please.. My husband.. My husband is.."

"I'm on my way now.. Wait for me. Stay there, okay?? Stay.."


I few more minutes when I heard the doorbell buzz.. He has a spare key so the doorbell is to let me know it's him..


The moment I saw him entering my door, a flood of relief washed over me..

"Stay there.."

He firmly instructed so I voicelessly nodded..

He walked closer to me and sat on the corner of the bed making sure he won't hit the salt around me..

"Watch this.."

He took a pinch of salt and ran it in his palm..

"See.. I'm not affected."

I agreed attentively.

He then entered his hand inside my barrier..

"See? I'm not burning.."

I nodded again and wiped my tears..

"So, now.. Will you let me offer you an embrace while sitting beside you? Let's make the barrier wider just in case he'll come again.."


I immediately moved my way.. Just thinking of him coming back to me is frightening..

He carefully crawl closer to me and took the salt from my hand and expanded the protection.. After checking, he wrapped his arms around me allowing me to comfortably rest my body close to him with my head leaning to his shoulder..

"Are you okay now? You must've been so worried.."

I nodded and hugged him too.. This is comforting..

"Don't worry.. I'm already here.. I won't let him hurt you.. No one will hurt you, baby.."


His eyes slowly close.. Once he gets drowsy.. I'll start counting..

"3.. 2.. 1.."

"Does your girlfriend ever wear bangs?"

"Y-Yeah.. No.. I'm sorry I'm not sure.."

"You remember her wearing all white?"

"I think I did.."

"She killed her.."

I got frozen and stiffened.. Is his truth, is about me now?

He leaned to me with his eyes close and palms cupping my cheeks.. An inch away from my lips, he carefully open his eyes and darted them straight to mine..

Then I saw it.

I witnessed what he saw.

My lover, with a gun, wearing white, snapped the trigger to assassinate the First Lady..

"She killed her."

Copter repeated..

I can barely grasp what's happening.. I can't believe to ever see myself to be with someone involved in his visions.

But my daze was then interrupted as he weakly collapsed so I hurried and caught him just in time.. I then quietly rested him in my arms..

That's it..

I kissed his forehead as a praise for working hard.. His visions tire him a lot that sometimes make him so drained to the point that we have to rush him to the hospital for not waking up after a day.

Copter.. has an ability that whenever he feels anxious or threatened.. He'll witness a death and can show the murderer to anyone..

But he can't remember anything after..

In this case, to sum it up.. the girlfriend I met five months ago killed the President's wife..

This is stupid..

I gently covered him with the blanket.. Everything is in a mess now with the salt all over the bed so I need to clean up before giving Copter his medications..

I then took my phone and left a message to my chief..

"Stimulation Case #721, success.."

Copter was took into custody after the government found out his gift.. Since then, he is brought to different situations and scenarios enforcing him to be stressed and anxious to trigger his ability..


Today is another successful operation..

So what's next?

Stimulation Case #721 Where stories live. Discover now