The Awakening

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I laid in bed feeling a soft blanket over me. I wanted to continue sleeping but this intense light wouldn't let me rest. Finally, I opened my eyes.

It was difficult to keep my eyes open since there was so much light. After my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight I got a better view of where I was.

The room was small. There was a small couch in front of me and a TV was placed on the wall over the couch.

I looked to my left and saw a large window. The blazing sun rays shined through it.

I looked down, examining myself. I was wearing a blue hospital gown. I realized right away I was connected to a machine.

I felt a sense of panic. Why was I in the hospital?

Suddenly I saw someone walk in.

It appeared to be a nurse. As soon as she took a good look at me she practically screamed.

"Omg you're awake!" She was clearly surprised.

She immediately ran out.

What happened to me?

Almost immediately multiple nurses and a doctor came in the room. After what seemed to be hours of check ups I was finally assisted by an older woman who came to take me home.

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