Dulled Welly

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Attaching another bell to his rope, Briar works to regain his breath. Alongside him, Cronn does the same, whilst cutting away at an entanglement of rope he had mistakenly got himself caught in. Across from the both of them, Belial stands atop a wagon loaded up with strapped-down barrels and studies the surrounding areas from his vantage point.

"Can't be many left at this rate." He states, listening intently and scouring the lands below with hawk-like vision. "We were lucky to reach this one as easily as we did."

"Easily?" Cronn argues, motioning towards his snared feet.

"Well, we can't base our success solely on your inability to spot a thieves' trap."

"How was I to know some merchant would leave something like this in the treeline? Hell, we weren't even sure what we might be walking into before we actually got up here. Oh, let's not forget, we can't base our professionalism on your inability to remember your full attire."

"It matters not." Pointing down the dirt road as a breeze brushes up the hillside, Belial clutches at his hat with a bare hand. Keeping it in place as best he can. "We've got but one last chime to reach and we'll be ready to head back once more."

"Well on that note," Cronn grunts harshly as he cuts at the last piece of rope. Only stopping when the blade breaks free and slings itself upward as the rope falls free. "we should keep on the move. I'd like to get back to cave delving as soon as we can."

"Let's hope the other Nostrum can keep up then. Otherwise, we'll be picking up their slack before we get the chance."

"Speaking of others, did you inform Achlys of the Ryoushi's arrival?"

Briar shakes his head and gets to his feet, brushing damp soil off the knees of his trousers.

"With all else going on, I figured it best to wait."

"I'd say you made the right call."

"You would?"

"Yes." Getting up as well, Cronn pulls his ax from where he had planted it into the ground and rests it against his shoulder. "As much as I hate to go against what is best for all, I also believe that any additional concerns would overwhelm or sway our current objectives."

"Sounds like you've got some self-interest in their being here if I had to say so myself." Belial conspires, not wanting to break his gaze from the distant hilltops before him.

"You could say that. Though, I'll deny it." Cronn glares at the back of Belial's head, ignoring the sensation that is Briar, who has started to study his body language at this moment. "Besides, having another League out and about could potentially assist us in our efforts."

"Given we don't come face-to-face." Belial leaps off the barrels, catching himself with ease as his feet hit the path.

"The Ryoushi may be isolated, fixed in their ways, and arrogant, but one thing they are not is helpless."

"Certainly not. As much as it pains me to say it, we would be the ones at the greatest risk if they chose to engage."

"Well then, why give them the chance? Let's get moving." Without waiting for the others to join him, Belial starts off down the hill, abandoning the long-forgotten wagon and what dark history surely surrounds its current state.

With a lake of fog having formed halfway down, the men ignite torches before submerging themselves. Years of training have proven to them that any beast which lingers in such a place will surely fear the light as it surrounds their silhouetted forms. With no more forward visibility, they focus on the craggy thoroughfare. More and more breaks become known the further on that they go, making it abundantly clear just how long it has been since this route has been used routinely. With branches, briars, divots, and even more wagons coming into view, the trail is all but gone. Briar moves closer to a wagon as they pass it, having noticed that it was terribly leaning to one side. In doing so, he finds that one wheel has been broken clean off, but not due to age and neglect. Stepping off from where Belial and Cronn continue onward, he circles around to the opposite side of the wagon. White flowers with red floral discs bloom where the horses would have once been, pulling those aboard. Lowering his torch, the bones of these creatures can be seen jutting out of the hardened dirt. Closer inspection exposes traces of the massacre that took place, as each is riddled with claw marks.

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