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The entire day, I had spent practicing and practicing all the spells I knew I could use, the next day, I didn't bother with any of the classes, instead practiced my Patronus Charm, An Aqua Erecto Charm in case I need it, The Summoning Charm, for my broom in case for the back-up plan. I had continued practicing the spells till I was literally dead on my feet and trudged back to the Gryffindor Tower from the Abandoned classroom with exhaustion lacing my body.

I knew that since my core is not yet very strong I need rest and food and my own physical strength to maintain it, hence, I forced myself to lay down and sleep came easily to my exhausted self that night.

As I woke up the next morning, I felt my nerves acting up, I knew that the plan I had was not full proof, as many things could change, many things could just so happen that it ends in my death. And for a moment I thought, that maybe all that trouble that comes my way, maybe it's because I was supposed to be dead when I was merely one, so, maybe I just shouldn't be alive. It is some way fate has been punishing me. But I quickly shook the thought off and got myself ready for this eventful day.

The atmosphere in the school was one of great tension and excitement, everyone was continuously looking at me, more than usual whispering, gossiping to each other. 

How easy and mundane there lives is exactly? I mean the most they have to worry about is exams and boys and nothing else, while me? 

Every year I have to think of how to bloody stay alive!

Lessons were to stop at midday for the Triwizard Tournament's first task is today. All the students would hence have time to get down to the dragons' enclosure — though of course, they didn't yet know what they would find there.

Everyday that passed, I felt different from the people, no matter how much I had tried to fit in, I never did but today? The feeling was excessive, as people came up to me wishing me good luck or some boys blatantly and openly flirting with me or some giving me pity looks that made me think if they were thinking that I was just going to break down in the middle of the corridor. 

Some were hissing as well, saying "We'll have a box of tissues ready, Potter." And I had to bite down my remark of how they shouldn't cry over my death as I will survive because even if all the Deities are against it itself I somehow find myself alive in every tricky situation no matter how much luck is against me.

As I walked down the corridor, I felt my head swarming with nervousness and anger, everything just seemed to happen to me! I wondered whether I mightn't just lose my head when they tried to lead me out to my dragon, and start trying to curse everyone in sight. And to ensure that didn't happen I tightened my grip on my emotions and forced my classic blank expression to hide my anger and nervousness as I didn't want anyone using my emotions against me.

Time was behaving in a more peculiar fashion than ever, rushing past in great dollops, so that one moment I seemed to be sitting down in my first lesson, History of Magic, and the next, walking into lunch . . . and then (where had the morning gone? the last of the dragon-free hours?), Professor McGonagall was hurrying over to me in the Great Hall, to take me for the task no doubt.

Lots of people were watching me as I walked out, as I was walking out my eye caught Hermione and Ronald's who I had honestly forgotten about even, as I was so busy with the workload of the bloody Task.

"Potter, the champions have to come down onto the grounds now. . . . You have to get ready for your first task." Professor McGonagall said looking at me as I nodded and left the Great Hall with Professor.

She didn't seem herself, she was usually very composed and not a feather ruffled type of teacher but right now? She looked anxious and worried and somehow that made me feel a little better, at least she cared for me a little despite the trouble that has come because of me.

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