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His lips turned up into a smirk as he opened his mouth to reply. His eyes moved up to look at the man staring at him on the other side of a plexiglass window. Surrounding him were cement walls that mimicked a cell though he had committed no crime. For once, he was in a prison answering to someone else's. 

"That is correct, yes."

"And you would describe your relationship with Alexandra Clark as...personal?"

"We were," He paused. "Very close. I can go into detail if that is required." 

Everett Ross pinched the bridge of his nose. His patience with the god wore even thinner than it ever had before. The clock was ticking and Ross's badge was up for grabs if he could not contain the conundrum at hand. His hired detective looked up at him, continuing when Ross gave an exasperated 'go ahead'. 

"No, erm, that's alright. Now, Mr. Laufeyson, do you have any idea where Miss Clark might have gone? Any special hiding place that you know of?"

"Nothing has changed since you asked me yesterday."

Ross forcefully pressed the intercom button and spoke into the microphone, interjecting himself into the interrogation. "Loki, we're pressed for time here trying to find Clark. She is wreaking havoc on cities across the world, undetected, and we're being held accountable." 

"Well, good luck with that. Alexandra is a force to be reckoned with, and I would hate to be on the other end of her hand." He thought for a moment, before grinning, "Well, not if I was in the right mood," 

"Get him out of my sight," Ross snarled. "No further questions."

Loki stood up, and mockingly bowed. The detective unlocked the door and he exited the room before being stopped by Ross's hand flat on his chest. Loki glanced down at the hand, raising an eyebrow at the attempt of dominance.  

"If you get any message from her, you call me immediately." 

"Right, on the telephone I don't have."

Ross frowned. "I gave you a government issued cellular device."

"Trashed it." Loki smiled. "See you lads next time." 

He strolled out of the office, leaving behind frustrated detectives, and one furious Everett Ross. 


"To your knowledge, has Alexandra Clark ever done anything destructive?"

"She was an Avenger. We all did destructive things. That was literally the whole point of the Sokovia Accor--is this man serious?" Sam Wilson turned toward the window that overlooked the interrogation table. "I want a lawyer present." 

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