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"Can you stay with me? I mean cause my moms still in the hospital and my brother is with our aunt and I just don't feel comfortable staying alone. Only if you want to" I ask as we pull into my driveway.

"Of course just let me go get some stuff and I'll be right over" he pecks my lips and leaves.

"Thanks" I whisper.

I walk to my front door and take a breath before entering. Everything eerie like something's waiting in the dark ready to just pounce out at me at any second.

"First things first I need a shower" I talk to myself and walk up the stairs to my bathroom. I let the water warm up and I go into my room. I notice a sample picture is on the ground shattered. I bend down and begin to pick up the pieces. I look at the picture and remember when we took it. We were at the hospital my mom had just had my brother and we all looked so happy. My dad and I were hugging and laughing looking down at the baby

"You okay?"

"Oh shit!" I jump back and place my hand over my heart.

"Oh my god you scared the crap out of me" I laugh and stand up, my heart still racing

"Haha sorry" Damian whispers.

"It's okay, I'm just gonna go take a shower." I walk past him but he grabs my arm and swings my around into his chest. He caresses my face with his fingers and kisses me.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you more" I smile and walk into the bathroom.

I slide my clothes off and step into the shower. I close my eyes and let the water run down my body not paying attention to the stinging sensation on my side.
I feel a body move behind me and wrap their arms around my body. I turn around and face Damian. "Hi"

"Hi" his wig wasn't on and I could tell he was nervous about it. I place my hands in his cheeks and make him look up at me. I lift my hands up towards his head but stop.

"Can I?"

"Uh yeah"

I continue slowly moving my hands towards his head and place them on the back of his head.

"You know this doesn't change one thing about you. Don't be ashamed of it." He moved wet strands of hair out of my face and kisses me once more.

We get out of the shower and lay down on my bed.

"Are you nervous for tomorrow" I don't know what compelled me to ask.

"Kinda. I mean their gonna tell me how much worse I gotten and say that I have weeks now and there's nothing they can do. I just have to always be prepared for the worst."

"W-what am I supposed to do without you? You can't just give up you're gonna have to fight!"

"Blair you have to think logically I mean there is nothing I, you , or the doctors can do to save me. I'm a ticking time bomb."

"No you're not and don't say you are! You can fight through this. You have to believe in yourself"

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do"

I sigh in frustration and close my eyes hoping I can fall asleep easily and just forget about the conversation.

I feel Damian scoot down so were face to face and wraps his arms around me.

"Please don't be mad. I just don't want you to get you're hopes up thinking I'll be able to live when the chance just isn't there."

"It's okay I just want to believe that there is a chance"

He kisses my forehead and we fall asleep to the silence surrounding us.


I slap my alarm clock and tumble out of bed I groan and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I rub my eyes trying to adjust to the light as I stick the toothbrush in my mouth. I close me eyes and and feel two arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning" he whispers and pecks my cheek.

"Good morning" I say back. I go into my closet and get my clothes and throw them on. Damian goes into the bathroom while I begin to finish getting ready. I pull on my combat boots just as Damian walks out fully clothed and ready to go.

"Ready?" I nod my head and we leave and head to the hospital.

"Hey Brenda how are you?" I say as we enter going over to her strait away

"We'll hi darling I'm just fine thank you. How about yourself?"

"I'm doing just fine." We exchange a few words before she takes us to were Damian needs to be
"We'll Damian were you ever going to ask Blair to the hospital dance?" I look over at Damian quickly wanting to see what he would say.

"We'll-we'll I didn't think she was into that sorta thing" he looked at me nervously then looked down.

"Come on Damian every girl wants a prom" she says back. She walks away once she has everything set up and leaves us two alone.

"Soo do you want to go? With me to the uh prom thing?"

"Do you want me to go?" I look at him giving him a glare

"Of course I do. I just didn't know if you would want to" he looks nervously at me again.

"We'll I would love to go thanks for asking" I laugh and look down.

After his chemo is done Brenda comes back and tells us the doctors need Damian. He leaves with her and I sit by myself waiting for him to return.

While I'm waiting I little boy only about 3 years old comes up to me with a tube down his nose. He has no hair so I assume he's been through this a while.

"Hi" he giggles.

"Hello" I laugh back as he comes up and sits on my lap. Has he ever heard of stranger danger, never talk to someone you don't know? I guess not.

"My names is Brayden" he smiles at me with his goofy gap tooth grin

"My name is Blair it's very nice to meet you Brayden" he looks down at my hair and starts to wrap his fingers around it.

"My old hair as this color. But now it's all gone" I'm instantly saddened and lost for words.

"To Brayden you're stealing my woman away from me" Damian says. I mentally thank him for saving me. I had no idea what to say and this situation was getting to sad for me to handle.

"I found her first dame" he giggled. Dame what a cute little nickname.

Damian picks Brayden up of my lap and starts to tickle him. Brayden starts to squeal which makes me start to laugh.

"I'll see you next time alright little buddy?" Brayden wraps his arms around Damian neck and kisses him on the cheek and walks away.

Damian extends his hand down to me and I take it.

"Goodbye Brenda!" She looks up and says the same and we leave.

"So what did the doctors say to you in there?" He looks over at me and just looks at me.

"Oh" is all I say. He doesn't even have to say. He's gotten worse and I have little time with him. And I'm determined to make the best of it.

"Why is that every time we leave here were sad?" I ask

"I don't know really. Good question"

I have weeks left with my bad boy.

"Let's go shopping" I say happily.

"For?" He asks

"Prom!!" His eyes widen and I can tell he's not excited. I burst out in laughter knowing that dragging him along is not gonna be fun for him. Just sitting there watching me try in dresses.

"Woop woop" he moans and laughs with me.



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