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George's POV

What is this place?

Why is it so bright?

Turn the fucking lights off!

I saw Dream crying

I was laying on the floor with Dreams hands covered in blood. Is that my blood? Am I died?

Its like only two minutes passed and now my body was getting in a bury. Dream get cursed, no.

He can't die in his situation.

He's a doll.

I have seen a lot of images and I slowly blink my eyes

I hear ringing and I woke up

7:00 am

I get up and I saw myself in the mirror

Another dream from my own imaginations again




In love with the prince?

I started getting ready and I slowly walk to the bathroom

The whole day passed

I saw a familiar looking doll

White blob with a simple smiley face?

Image flashed to my view and it showed my dreams I having every night

I picked up the doll and I washed it carefully. I didn't squeeze or anything and just rinse and rub his face. I don't know but I feel something with this doll

I feel creepy in my own opinion and I want to keep him at the same time....

I will keep him

Let's see if my dream every night was true, let's first try in this doll


Thanks for reading!!!
I don't know how to end this but hope you have a great day!

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