Chapter 2

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Hermione POV:

It was a 1 week before Christmas, I needed to tell  Fred,George,Theo,Blaise and Draco (if I forgot anyone comment there name)  that they need to come with me for Christmas to Mikaelson mannor, I was thinking of who I should tell first when I saw Fred and George running out of the potions classroom and snaps yelling, I stopped Fred and George and " hey guys I was wondering if you guys can go with me to spend Christmas with Blaise,Draco, and Theo I know they are Slytherins but someone invited us and they already asked your parents for permission" I said, they looked like they where thinking "sure but may we ask who we are staying with" asked Fred "Uhhh this women  called Caroline she said we where staying at her mannor with her husband and family she seemed really nice and she is picking us up for Christmas at kings cross station when we get of the train" I said they both nodded and agreed to come so I only needed to ask Blaise, Draco and Theo right when I was thinking I saw Draco and Blaise walking right before they passed me I said "Malfoy, Zabini may I ask you a question?" They looked confused " uhh go ahead but hurry up we don't got all day" Draco said, he look annoyed "I need you both and Theo to go with me,fred and George to Mikaelson mannor I know you both don't know where it is but when it's Christmas break I need you to wait and stay for me, fred and George it is very important" I said, they both nodded and left without another word. I started to look around the castle for Theo and I found him in the library he looked focused on the book he had , I walked towards him and he noticed me walking to him, he closed his book and said " hello granger what can I do for you" Theo said nicely, we had been friends since first year we just kept it a secret " I was wondering if you would spend Christmas with me,Draco,Blaise,fred and George and before you ask where we are going with a nice lady named Caroline she is picking us up at king cross station" I said, he just smiled and replied with "sure" "great" I said I got up and left the library, I went back to the common room and just went with the rest of my day

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