"Can I um, uh. Can JJ. I need to talk to JJ," he confirms.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"I can't say until I speak with her," he puts up his walls.

I walk to the door.

"JJ, can you come in here please?"

I watch as she scurried up the stairs.

"Reid won't finish his evaluation until he speaks with you," I feel a bit annoyed.

"Oh?" She walks in to see Reid, "What's wrong?" She seems worried, overly worried.

"I can't answer his question with exposing 'it'" he tells her.

I watch as he begs for her answer. I come to the realization of what they were speaking of.

"You two are dating aren't you?" I ask, not really surprised.

"How did you?" JJ stops herself from asking further.

"Yea," Reid answers.

"Reid, that's-" he stops me.

"Against protocol, I know," he sighs.

"Just—don't get caught," I smirk at the two.

"Thanks Hotch," he smiles.

"I still need to finish your evaluation," I remind him.

"Right, JJ would be that big change. She's the reason I sleep better as well. I just worry about her in sometimes while I'm in the field".

"That's perfectly normal. I do need to know why your heart rate has been raised as well?"

"That's um, JJ as well," his face grows red as I realize what he was referring to, "please don't tell Morgan," he begs.

"Right. Ok, that's all I needed. JJ yours is next," it was to be Garcia, but JJ was already here.

Reid walks out the office as I begin JJ evaluation.

"Any anxiousness or worried feelings?" I realize JJ doesn't go in the field, but she still is a federal agent.

"Only about Spence being in the field," she answers.

"Has your heart been racing or have you been feeling trembly?" I write her previous statement down.

"Nope," she answers.

"Any fainting spells or dizziness?"

"Sometimes I feel a bit dizzy, but it's been like that for a week now. I think maybe just migraines," she recalls.

"Any big changes... that would be told to Strauss?"

"None that concern her!" She exclaims.

"Great, can you send Garcia in please?" I look at her.

"Yep!" She exits.

"Hellooo Sir!!" Garcia states in her usual bubbly stance.

"Your in a great mood," I give her a small grin, something I don't do often.

"Well I'm in an even better mood now! You actually smiled for once!" She squeals.

"Ok, any anxiety or worries?" I know Garcia has them, but she never admits to them.

"Naughta," she beams.

"How about tingling or panic attacks?" I wait for another no.

"Nooopppee," she draws out.

"How about any big changes that have been stressful or difficult to deal with?"

"Nuh uh! Everything has been great," she informs.

Never Together Nor ApartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora