Chapter #2

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"I have to go but I wish I could stay and help," Gwyn Frowned, smoothing a wrinkle on Nesta's dress.

"go, I'll be fine. You have to warm up that beautiful voice of yours," Nesta smiled, but it was a little shaky. She was definitely nervous.

"Hey, it's going to be alright," Gwyn assured, "we are Strong brave Valkyrie remember?"

Nesta nodded, golden brown curls falling over her shoulders at the movement.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay–

"Seriously Gwyn, go. It's starting soon anyway," Nesta looked at the temple where the ceremony was being held.

Gwyn nodded and wished her friend luck before walking to the temple.

She was worried about Nesta, but Emerie, Mor, Amren, Feyre, and Elain were there to help her get ready. The former three people Gwyn had just met.

Amren was more or less a bitch, But Gwyn loved playing with fire, so she enjoyed Amren's presence.

Feyre and Elain both seemed like lovely people. Feyre's looks seemed to mirror Nesta's with the exception of a few facial features, but you could definitely tell they were sisters.

Elain look very much like them too, but something about her separated her from the other two. It could have been her brown eyes that could not seem to match her sister's blue.

Feyre had brought her son, Nyx. who was just about one of the most beautiful children Gwyn had ever seen. Black hair, tiny wings, and eyes that mirrored the night sky.

Gwyn loved children. She had missed them during her time in the library, but the last time she had to take care of them...

Gwyn didn't want to remember that day. She tried to avoid thinking about it at all costs.

She took a few breaths marveling in the fresh air of Velaris. She thought about everything that could go wrong, but pushed past her anxiety as much as she could and stepped into the temple.

Gwyn arrived at the temple and saw Cassian standing alone in the entryway.

Gwyn realized she had never seen him in a suit before. He looked very handsome, especially with his hair pulled in that half up half down way Nesta liked so much.

"Hey," Gwyn smiled brightly.

Cassian turned to her looking sickly pale.

Gwyn tried so hard not to laugh. She had never seen him so disheveled.

"Are you ok Cass?" she slowly walked up to him.

He blinked a couple times before responding, "is she still here?"

Gwyn let out a strangled noise trying to mask her laugh, "no, she actually left to go live on the Continent."

He face turned grave, "fuck, I knew it–

"Cass, I'm just kidding ok. Nesta loves you and wants to be mated to you," Gwyn assured as she heard his breathing pick up.

"Just take some deep breaths ok," she put her hand on his shoulder, "inhale, and exhale."

He did just that and Rhysand walked in looking concerned.

Cauldron, seeing both the high Lady and Lord today made Gwyn weak in the knees

"Cass, what's wrong?" Rhys asked just as a shadow jumped on Gwyn's hand.

She pulled her arm away from Cassian's shoulder. She was able to touch Cassian. It used to make her nervous but as she grew more comfortable with him and his intentions, it wasn't so scary anymore.

But she didn't know Rhysand, and seeing two powerful fae males in a room alone with her was not the most comfortable experience. Gwyn took a few deep breaths, just as she told Cassian to, and watched the shadow swirled up her arm.

Gwyn giggled at the contact, feeling the shadows brush up against the sheaves of her gown.

"Sorry," she heard from behind her.

She turned from Cassian and Rhysand to find Azriel standing behind her. Gwyn couldn't help but stare at the shadowsinger.

He looked lovely in a suite as well. Gwyn didn't think she would ever see him in anything except for his fighting leathers.

She watched as the shadows slowly slid from her arms and danced across his fingers— his scared fingers. Gwyn had always wondered what tragic event had happened to have scared a fae males fingers.

"They usually don't go running off like that," it took her a moment to realize what he was referring to.

"O, It's alright. I don't mind," she looked up at him, and that was definitely a mistake.

Cauldron, he was pretty. Night black hair toppling over his forehead almost covering his warm hazel eyes.

Though Gwyn had never manifested those feelings long enough to turn into a crush, she was still able to appreciate a pretty face.

Gwyn just noticed how long she had been staring at him, letting the silence drag on.

"I have to go get ready," she said, side stepping him, as if she could side step this awkward conversation.

He just nodded and Gwyn walked down the aisle to where the musicians were preparing and started to warm her voice. Letting notes high and low dance on her vocal chords, she thought of Catrin. Of how much she would love this: the beautiful tempel adorned with flowers and plants, lit up by small fae lights.

Gwyn heard the lightness in her voice turn to sorrow as more thoughts of Catrin flooded her mind. Her twin would never get to have any of this: a mating ceremony... a mate.

Gwyn couldn't think about that as people started to flood the temple.

She couldn't think about Catrin. Her smile, and laugh that could light up rooms. Her voice was so soothing it could make even Gwyns anxieties go away.

Just her. Gods, Gwyn missed her every day, every breath.

But as the music started Gwyn thought about all the happy memories with Catrin, her mother, Nesta, and Emerie. She let those memories fuel her song until all she could feel in her heart was not guilt for Catrin's death, but the love they had shared.

Still, the guilt and pain lingered, but Gwyn had learned to live with it.

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