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"Do you remember when we found this lake?", Chris voice is muffled by the food in his mouth and I laugh. 

"Yeah, of course I do. I was 19 and I was visiting you in Los Angeles. And you wanted to show me something cool, we went hiking but you lost track and on our way back, totally lost in the wilderness, we found it. It was so hot that day we decided to go swimming."

I put some fries in my mouth und smile at him. "We were here every so often we could. Just like now."  I drink something and look outside the car window to the lake. 

"It's really nice here." He finishes his meal and smiles at me. "Can I... ask you something?"

"Sure, you know that. Shoot." I shuffle to sit sideways on the passenger seat to face him, propping my head against my fist. 

"What happened in Greece?"

I bite my lip and I shake my head. "What do you mean?"

"Sebastian doesn't talk to me, Y/N, he's super mad and I don't know why. What happened between you?"

I run my hand over my thigh, sighing. "We... I don't know, we were... so close... and... we were having fun it was like... it felt like we ran away, you know? It was just us... well and his work at some point but that was okay. And then you called and he was so jealous..." I sigh and look at his face, his eyes resting on mine.

"He was so jealous and he said things he shouldn't have said... and... when I was leaving he was back home and... said it was all just an illusion because... because I will always run back to you to fuck my best friend..."

He gasps and raises his eyebrow. "Oh... I'm sorry about that..."

I shrug my shoulders. "Don't worry, he doesn't reply my texts anyways, so..." I paint invisible patterns with my finger on my thigh now until Chris grabs my hand and stops me from doing it.

"Did you love him?"

A shiver runs down my spine and I bite my lip.


He lets out a long breath and intertwines his fingers with mine.

"Why did you came back then?"

I sigh. "Because you're my best friend, Chris..."

"Are you sure about that? Because... fuck, Y/N, for me it has always been you. Like, who was there when I had my first panic attack? You."

I take a deep breath. "Who was there when my first girlfriend left me for another guy? You."

He gently pushes my face upwards with his finger under my chin. "And who was there when I called because I needed my friend? Yeah... it was you..."


"It has always been you, Y/N, and... and you are not only my best friend. I know you are more. You're my soulmate... and you're the woman I want to grow old with, just like we always said. I love you, Y/N.... and I know you love me, too."

Our eyes lock and I bite my lip. I want to deny it. I want to get out of the car and run back home, but I  can't. I can't deny it because it's true.

"So, I ask you one time, Y/N... do you love me?"

His eyes are piercing now, he knows my answer already but he wants to hear it. 

"Yes... I do..."

He licks his lip before he leans in to kiss me. Soft. Waiting for my reaction. 

I put my hand in his hair, softly nibbling on his lip. I can feel my heart break. It's shattered in two pieces. And I can't help it. I know that one piece will never be healed again because it belongs to Seba. And the other piece belongs to Chris.

I just don't know which piece is bigger. Chris has always been there, yes. But Sebastian did something to me... I ... can't explain it.

"Get over here...", he mumbles against my mouth and brings his seat back so I have enough space. I climb over and sit on his lap, my hands on his face, our tongues fighting now. 

He cups my ass with one hand while the other one runs up my thigh, sliding beneath the soft fabric of my dress. Pulling me close to him. I can feel his crotch bulge.

"Hmm...", he slides his hand into my slip and slowly rubs my clit. I let out my breath and open his pants, sliding them down a little bit just enough for his dick to come out. I close my hand around it and slide it up and down, making him moan. 

I slide my slip to the side before I sink down on his cock, whipping my head back. 


"Yes...", he kisses my neck, both hands cupping my butt now. I move my hips, my muscles tensed. My hand still in his hair, pulling his head back gently.

"Look at me...", he breathes out and I look down at him, our eyes locked. Although we're fully dressed this is so... intense.

His hands run over my body before they cup my face to pull me in, he crashes his lips on mine. I'm focusing on our kiss, moving my hips slowly now. We're both moaning into each other mouths because no one wants to break the kiss. 

"I love you, Y/N... I love you so damn much....", he whispers breathless before he nibbles on my lip, letting me gasp for air. The windows slowly fog up due to our bodies radiating heat. 

"I love you, too...", I whisper in his ear with closed eyes, my chest heavy. I'm waiting for my body to build up the climax, as usual, but it doesn't. I dig my hand into his shoulder, he starts to thrust into me; our movements syncing after some seconds.

"Oh god, yes... fuck me... you fuck me so good...", he bites my neck and I whip my head back again. "Faster... ah!"

His hands grab my hips and he controls the speed, making me move faster. His breathing goes harder and his fingers dig into my skin.

"Make me cum, yes... like this...", he moans my name before he cums, and I bite my lip, slowing down before I stop. My eyes still closed he softly cups my face again.

"Hey... honey...", his voice is soft but at the same time raspy from his moaning.

"Hmm...", I wrap my hand around his wrist, gently kissing the palm of his hand.

"You're still in love with him...", he points out, without any hint of emotion in his voice. A single teardrop leaves my eye and runs down my cheek. He gently wipes it away with his thumb.

"I am... and I wish it wouldn't be like that, Chris... I wish..." I take a deep breath but he shuts me up with a soft kiss.

"It's okay, honey... it's okay... I'll wait for you... I don't want to push you..."

I open my eyes and look into his, there's a slight green mixed into his blue. I immediately feel like home.

"Can we go home please...?"

He nods, wrapping his arms around me. "Do you want to go home or stay at my place?"

I snuggle into his arms and hide my face on his neck. "Yours... your place is home..."

His hands run up and down my back before he places a soft kiss on my scalp.

"Then we'll go home now, honey..."

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