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Chris lies spread across my bed while I'm sitting in my chair, writing the article I have to send away tonight. It's for an online magazine.

"Why don't you just run your own online magazine? Or blog or something?", he asks.

I laugh and shake my head, completing the sentence. "Who's going to pay me? You know, I'm not that rich that I could afford just writing my own blog and not working for someone. Although I was thinking about running a blog as a hobby."

He shrugs and grabs the remote. "You know we could watch the movie at my place, right? You know, it's bigger, and a better sound system, and..."

I throw my pencil at him. "Stop it. I'm not going to move in with you, fucktard. I like my apartment and it fulfills a purpose on you, too."

As soon as I finished the article I reread it and send it.

"What kind of purpose, huh?!", he laughs.

"It's showing you where you're coming from and that's good because without me, your head would be in space. I keep you grounded, just saying." I smile at him when I close my laptop and get up.

"I could get you a bigger TV tho...", he says, smiling. "What? It's not... oh man, I better shut up now." He rolls on his stomach, grabbing the remote.

"Yes you better. I'd give it back anyways. You know that." I let myself fall on my bed next to him. "I can't believe you forgot popcorn tho. Now start the movie, come on."

He laughs and lays back next to me, laying his arm around me and I snuggle into the sheets while he starts the movie.

Since New Years Eve we had sex several times but I love that we still spend time together without, just like before. He really was scared that this will change our whole friendship but it didn't, at least not yet.

And I hope it never will because... I'd rather stop the sex, although it's really more than great, than lose this friendship.

I turn my head to look at him, his eyes focused on the TV, his whole body relaxed.

"I can see you looking at me... you wanted to watch the movie, now concentrate on it!", he says, his lip curls upward.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. On it." I grin and turn my head back to the TV.


Some days later I pull up the driveway to Chris' huge villa in Laurel Canyon, parking my car in the garage before I head in.

"Chris?", I shout, kicking my shoes off. No response. Great. Time to rob his fridge.

I go into the kitchen and open the fridge - protein, protein, protein, dude, fuck this. I don't wanna gain muscles I wanna eat carbs and sugar, mate. I need a new best friend for sure. I squat down to find ... more proteins. Nice.

I close the fridge and open the cupboards, to find ... POP-TARTS! Dude! I grab them. Frosted brown sugar cinnamon pop-tarts, I go crazy! I remove the foil and shove them in the toaster. I can't wait.

"Chris, are you home?!", I shout again, looking at the clock. I'm not too early, I'm not too late. I'm perfectly on time. Where the fuck is he?

I take the pop-tarts and eat them on my way to the living room and then upstairs to his bedroom.

"Chris, you here?", I look around, but still no Chris to be seen. Weird.

I eat the second pop-tart on my way downstairs again when I see his car pulling up in the driveway. I nearly choke on my pop-tart when an idea strucks my mind. Yes. YES.

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