"Nah I thought I'd meet someome better."

Start from the beginning

"And let me guess you find Bo Duke attractive?" Adam said knowingly.

"I mean look at him and take a guess." I said.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." Adam said.

"Smart. I think you'll like Daisy Duke. She's real pretty." I said.

"Guess we'll just have to see." Adam said. It was a good 10 minutes til I seen Daisy.

"That her, Daisy Duke." I said as she popped up on the TV.

"Eh." Adam said.

"Eh? Did you just say Eh to Daisy Duke? Every guy that watches this practically drools over her." I said.

"She's not my type." Adam said.

"Then what's your type blondie?" I asked.

"I would say y/h/c, and I kind like
y/e/c eyes." Adam said. That's literally my hair and eyes....

"So you cant any exceptions for Daisy?" I said.

"Nope, what's your type?" Adam asked. I felt my breathe hitch a little, how do I describe him without describing him?

"Well... I like blue eyes, and sometimes green. Blondes, except not Guy. And Gingers." I said.

"Gingers?" Adam said laughing.

"Yes gingers, stop hating on them." I said.

"I'm not hating.. just most people wouldn't say gingers." Adam said.

"Exactly, they're underrated." I said.

"But you like blondes.... that's one of the most basic hair colors people like." Adam said.

"Well I mean there's nothing wrong with being basic at times." I said.

"Mh-hm." Adam replied. I wonder if he caught on at all... I kind of described him. It's also debatable if he's blonde or brown haired, but I'd say blonde. It's a dark blonde, but it's blonde. I watched the show, man this brought back memories. I watched it when it first came out. I always wanted to name my kid Beau, loved that name. But now that I know a Beau guess that's not really an option. We sat there for a while occasionally talking. I closed my eyes in thought and ended up falling asleep...

Adams POV

"I don't like the sheriff whys he care so much about the Dukes?" I asked
y/n. There was no response, so I looked over the to her. She was asleep. Why's she always asleep? I looked at her for a second, she always managed to look good even when asleep. I really wish I knew if she picked up on the fact that I was describing her earlier. Yeah there's people with the same features, but she's the one with those features that I want. I think she described me earlier, I mean I do have dark blonde hair and blue eyes. She could've been describing someone else, but I really don't think so. I'm planning on telling her soon, I just don't know how. I was deep in thought when the door opened.

"Hey Ada- you've got to be kidding me." Guy said looking to his bed.

"Why'd you let her on my bed?" Guy said.

"Yeah because y/n would definitely listen to me." I said.

"Could've told her to lay down with you. I know she would've." Guy said smirking. I rolled my eyes as he went over to her. He shook her and she just made a sound.

"Y/n get out of my bed." Guy said.

"No." Y/n mumbled.

"You have your own bed, heck there's Adams bed, Charlie's bed, and even an extra bed, but instead you choose mine." Guy said.

𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 ➪𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 [𝙗. 1]Where stories live. Discover now