"You comfortable?"

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Y/n's POV

I was having a really great dream, no idea what it was about though. I was woke up by someone laying on top off me.

"Get off." I grunted not opening my eyes.

"Nope you need to get up." Georgia said popping the p.
I looked to my alarm clock. 9:28.

"Georgia my alarm goes off in 2 minutes!" I said trying to squirm from underneath her.

"Do I care? No, get up." She said laughing.

"I would get up but you're kinda on top of me." I said. She laid there for another few seconds and finally got up.

"If I come back here and you're asleep I will throw a pillow." She said walking to the door.

"Yeah yeah." I replied groggily. I got comfortable again and snoozed my alarm for 10 minutes. I let sleep overtake me once again. I only laid there for about 5 minutes when I felt a pillow hit me hard in the head.

"What the-" I said until I was cut off by Georgia.

"I told you if you didn't get up I would hit you with a pillow, besides Adam called this morning and asked if you wanted to hang at his house." She said smirking.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me the first time." I asked. She sat down on my bed beside my legs then just flopped down the rest of the way.

"Well, I thought your reaction would be funny when you slept in later. He said anytime will be nice just tell him. Me and Colin are hanging out at 11:30." She said smiling. I made a gag sound. Earning a glare from her in return.

"Just get up so you can call your boyfriend back." She said getting off me.

"Not my boyfriend." I said while she walked to the door.

"Whatever you say." She said closing my door. I shook my head and got out of bed. Adam called just to ask to hangout? Interesting. I got dressed halfway decent like usual. I went downstairs and asked Mrs. Dennis if it was alright if I hung out with Adam. Evidently Georgia already asked for me. She smiled when Mrs. Dennis told me that. I walked to the phone and rang up Adams house.

"Hello?" Colin answered.

"Man why you always gotta answer the phone. Anyways give the phone to Adam." I replied.

"I'm only doing this cause Georgia wants me to be nice." He said.

"Aw, poor Colin having to be nice to a kid 3 years younger than him must be hard." I said sarcastically. I could feel the eye roll through the phone. I heard him yell for Adam and someone else spoke.

"Y/n?" Adam asked.

"Hey Adam, so when exactly we're you wanting to hang out?" I asked.

"Anytime really, but what about 11:30, Colin will be leaving then." Adam said.

"Yeah that'll be good I can go over there with Georgia or leave when she does. Whatever works." I said.

"Ok, bye y/n. See ya later." Adam said.

"Bye Banks." I replied hanging up. I went to the kitchen and got some food. When I finished I walked into the living room with Mrs. Dennis and Georgia.

𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 ➪𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩 [𝙗. 1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora