Chapter 11

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Haven't read over this so I hope it's fine. No smut this time hehe, wait till next chapter (maybe)


The weekend is spent by doing nothing. All Aether does is spend his time in his room, and maybe go down to eat or get some snacks. He does ask his mom if he could go hang out with Fischl but even then does she deny his request. She still doesn't trust him enough to go out.

So when he wakes up on Monday, he ignores his parent's good mornings and goes straight out the door—Lumine following behind him quickly.

She grabs onto his wrist and tells him to slow down but he just snatches it away and glares at her. He's had enough of getting treated this way by his family. If he could, he would've ran away far from them.

The ride to school is faster than usual. Aether doesn't wait for his sister when he gets off and he makes his way to class as quick as he can without anyone bothering him.

In class, Aether finishes his work fast and asks for permission to go to the school's library. He's been trying to check out some manga from the school that he put off for a while, so this was his chance to take advantage of the free time he had.

Of course his teacher allows him, and Xiangling pouts whispering about how she would love to tag along but she hasn't finished her own work. Aether sends her an apologetic look as he gets his things to go to the library.

He supposes the library is the only place he truly feels safe in the school, despite there not being that many cameras in there. Which was a bit concerning but it was possibly because there was always someone monitoring that area. Whether it was librarians or the school staff.

This time though it was almost empty, and Aether worried that he wouldn't be able to check out any books. He'd have to come again another time and after school isn't an option since he has to meet up with Mr. Zhao. Which reminds him... he was most definitely dreading it, he thought about just not showing up but that was not an option if he wanted to pass that class.

Wrapped up in his thoughts, Aether doesn't notice the looming figure behind him as he looks through the book shelves.

It isn't until he feels a hand touch his ass that he twists around to yell at whoever had the nerve to touch him.

He meets aqua green eyes and a sly grin.

"My bad ehe~ I was reaching for a book! My hand must've slipped hehe."

A beta boy, stood a bit too close to him. He was only an inch or so taller than Aether, or maybe it was that weird hat he had on that added to his height.

Aether squints at him, not believing a single word but he doesn't have the energy to argue right now. "Sure..."

"You know, omegas are supposed to wear skirts. I don't see one on you." The green eyed beta rests a hand on his chin as he looks the omega over, most definitely checking him out.

"Well I'm a boy, so there's that." Aether glares at him, slapping at the hand that tries to reach over to touch him again.

"Still, skirts aren't limited to one gender~ It's also in the school's policies that everyone wear the right uniform. I should take this up to the principal."

Aether wants to grab a book and slap the beta with it, but he manages to hold back. Instead he balls up his hands into fists hoping to look threatening; but it's no use, he's too cute and it's ineffective! Goddammit.

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