They start eating cotton candy first because, it is the first stall that seem interested to Tee. Tae just follows and eat anything Tee feed him. Forget his diet and whatever things to make him remain fit. He will eat everything Tee feed him today, sweets are included too.

They stroll from one stall to another stall, eating everything while walking around. At some point Tae saw tables in the middle of the market, it's the place where people sit and eat their food. Maybe they need to sit and eat proper foods too, not just snacks.

"Tee, let's sit first. We need to eat heavy food too, at least a little or else you will have a stomach ache" Tae remembers when Tee skip his dinner, he throw ups badly in the midnight.

"Okay. Let's sit here" Tee found an empty table that a couple just left. They left with rubbish and leftover of their food on it too. Tae frowns and calls the couple back.

Tee is nervous when the boyfriend walk back to them.

"This trash, throw it away" said Tae sternly. Tee doesn't want to attract attention but Tae can't tolerate people throwing away trash as they like, not like he is a neat man much.

"if I don't want to?" challenges the boyfriend back, his girlfriend is ready to take their trash but he didn't allow it.

"Huh, then should I throw you to the trashcan too? Only trash didn't know how to clean themselves" Tae provokes the boyfriend back. Tee face palmed himself. This will not end well.

"You!" the boyfriend are ready to punch Tae but the girlfriend stop him.

"Phi Phoom, let's tidy our trash. We are the one whose wrong here, if you still want to fight I will break up with you!" warns the girl and the boy hurriedly taking all the trash.

Smitten much Phi Phoom?

Tae and Tee want to laugh at the man but they control themselves. After apologising and clean the table they took leave. Tae and Tee laugh when the couple disappear from their sight.

"it's funny when a Tiger change to Kitten" Tee is still laughing at it.

"As you know Tee, I might be like that too. I love you, so much" Tae rubs Tee's hand softly.

Tee blushes deep red hearing the sudden confession. What is wrong with Tae saying things like that out of nowhere.

"I love you too phi, and I will stop you from doing something stupid too"

"It's not stupid, I'm just teaching them what common sense is" Tae retorts back, he will not back off even though he needs to fight with that man.

"Khrub" Tee gives up, nothing can change Tae this time.

"I will go and order fried rice for us. You wait here" told Tae and walk to one of the stall.

Tee waits while waiting for Tae and a few sellers come to him to sell drinks and other foods. He orders what he want to eat and drink, they will take it to his table.

Tae returns with two plates of fried rice while Tee ordered the whole food on the table, it is full house. Tae's jaw drop to the ground. Who can eat that much?!

"Uhm, can we finish all of this Tee?" ask Tae worry.

"Yes! Now sit down and wipe your hand with this wet tissue. We need to eat. I ordered mango juice for you" Tee grins sheepishly.

Tae accepts his fate, he wipes his hand and start eating, Tee smiles happily when Tae takes a spoonful of fried rice, Tee follows and praise the taste of it. It is delicious.

They talk and eat the food, Tee feeds Tae and Tae feeds Tee. They both enjoy their date till the midnight.

Tae thinks he eat a whole month worth of food tonight, he can't even walk properly with his stomach this full. Tee still can eat more, it's a miracle and a magic!

They drinks hot tea with ginger before walk to the end of the night market. Tee buys a couple bracelet and put it on Tae's wrist. He still wears the one Tae gave him when he worked at the bar, he thought Tae lost it already.

"Tee, I still wear it. I customised it to make a watch strap, look at this. Your name" Tae takes off his watch and shows Tee, he knows Tee is sad when he can't found their matching bracelets.

Tee has tears in his eyes when he see it, he touch the engraved name softly. He hugs Tae tightly, he is really happy to see it.

"I love you Phi Tae" confess Tee.

Tae makes Tee to look at him in the eyes and says his love too. They stares into each other's eyes before both of them lean forward.

Tae's lips found Tee's first, they share a loving kiss with the fireworks display as the background. It's not just them, a lot of couples are kissing too. The old tales said, the couple kiss when the fireworks light as the witness, their love toward each other will never lose sparks.

Tales are tales but fates are secrets for them to know later on.

Tee's planned date is a huge success!

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