Diaper boy part 1

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Then i was 6 years old i had found myself back in diapers of my short age every thought that i was from 3 to 4 years old and it all started at my best friend Jamie's house.
Jamie was same age as me and almost same height and age.
I was always in love with diapers but never had chance to get them, but i knew that my friend wore protection at night i never thought that he's wearing a real diapers them and one day strange thing happened.
One day i got to his house and His mom answered the door and let me in.
*Hi Willie* she said.
"Hello miss Johnson" I said
Then she said Jamie is in his room.
i said thx and run to his room.
I opened the door and said:
"Hey Jamie im here" i said.
And i was in shock. And saw him sitting on the floor in his toddler room with toddler and baby furniture watching cartoons with  pampers diaper and t-shirt then he saw me.

 And saw him sitting on the floor in his toddler room with toddler and baby furniture watching cartoons with  pampers diaper and t-shirt then he saw me

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                         he was wearing diaper like this.

                         he was wearing diaper like this

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      and shirt like this.

Then he saw there i was looking and got a little bit "ashamed and started to blush and i saw few tears on his face".
Hey buddy what's going on why you crying?
"Now you saw me i diaper you thinking that im real baby and won't be friends with me anymore" he said.
I rushed to him and hugged him.
"Are you kidding you are my best friend that i ever have i would never do that" i said.
"Thank you" you my best friend to" he said.
Now lets clean those tears ok?
Then i took few wipes that i had im pocket and gently cleaned his eyes.
Are you better now?
Yes he said and hugged me.
Your welcome buddy.
He's mom was listening behind doors what happen and how i dealt with it and smiled.
I'm glad that you could come lets watch some cartoons"
OK buddy lets watch then i said.
He took my hand and lead me to rug were we both sit down and watched cartoons.
As we watched he still felled uncomfortable near me with diaper and i saw it and offered something.
Yes? He answered
I see how you fell in front of me and i wanna offer something?
Like what he asked?
If that would make you happy i can wear diaper to.
He looked at me with big eyes and just asked "would you do that for me"?
Sure i would and i want you to fell happy in front of me.
Would you want that buddy?
Yes i really want he said.
How we gonna do it?
My mommy can diaper you
Are you sure buddy is that ok with your mommy?
Yes, she can do that don't worry she diapers me anyway and can put diaper on you easy its no problem for her.
OK buddy then go and call your mommy.
He was so happy that he run to his mommy to ask if she could diaper me.
The Jamie and his mom came back i was waiting nervously.
I heard another boy who wants to wear diaper in house and smiled to me.
Yes, i said.
OK sweetie lets go.
She picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.
We entered the bathroom, and she laid me on changing table.
She then took off my shorts and underwear then she got to the bottom of the change table and got out a Pampers baby  diaper for me and placed it under my bottom.
She powered my private place and pulled the Pampers up tight.
How do you fell sweetie she asked?
I fell great thank you miss Johnson.
Your welcome little guy.
Then she said: I no that you doing this for Jamie that he won't fell bad about himself and i heard what happened behind the door and how you dealt with it.
"You such a good friend for my little boy thank you" she said
I would everything for Jamie he is my best friend i ever have.
And he's now gonna be happy what you did for him.
Thx you and kissed me in cheek.
I just *blushed and smiled*
How about my shorts i asked.

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