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JUNE 12, 2022 A/N: um, i formally apologize for this book being so short. i wasnt really thinking when i wrote this last summer, which really shows in the legacy version. thank you all for almost 60K reads a year later. surreal! without further adieu, i present to you...




I woke up with a groan realizing that Simon had pushed me off of the bed.

"What?" I yell, clear that I had been sleeping just seconds before.

"Get up, whore!"

"Fuck off!"


I was wearing my cheerleading uniform when I walked into the kitchen. Us cheerleaders were required to wear them on game days and Fridays. Today was both. I joined Simon at the table for breakfast. Waffles and coffee.

"It's just like living in France."

"So gourmet," he replies and I laugh.

For a little backstory, I practically live at the Kalivodas' house. My parents rarely know that I'm gone because all they do is work and sleep. All of their money goes to waste on weed and alcohol so there's not much there for me except for the previously mentioned. Normally, people wouldn't think that's so bad except the fact that I'm missing parental figures, but there wasn't much to begin with anyway.

I see Simon check his watch and grab his schoolbag. It must be time to go.

"Shit, we gotta go if we want to scare Deena."

"Okay," I reply with a mouth full of food. I grab one last waffle before snatching my own bag and heading out with him. Once I finish my waffle, I start talking.

"Did you see the news this morning?"

"Yeah, it's crazy. I guess it's just not shocking to me anymore. Almost normal." I nod in agreement. "Shittyside." he mumbled.

"Got any gum?" I ask hopefully, and also in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"No," he replies as he hands me a stick of my favorite gum. Polar Ice.

"Thanks, shithead." I ruffle his hair and kiss him on the cheek in thanks, and we walk the rest of the way to school together in light conversation.


"Shut the hell up, I hear her!" I tell the two as we rushed to hide in a stall as we hear footsteps we can only assume to be Deena's.

"She reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves." Kate teases.

"She'll take your blood!" Simon continues.

"Simon-" Deena interrupts.

"She'll take your head!" I add as I jump out of the stall, grabbing her head from behind.

"She'll follow you, until you're deaddd!" Simon and I finish.

"Wow, you guys are dicks." Deena half-jokes.

"Eat my ass," I respond.

"It's sick."

"I know right, it's huge."

"Not your ass, Tatum."

"Wha-what- the dude was wearing a Halloween skull mask! How is that not fun?" Simon says.

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