But did she really have to be that harsh?


Razor hummed in understandment一though, he was still confused. "Razor found meat," he stated as he handed the meat which was taken by Verdor. "Great, I'll start the cooking. How about you stay here while I go?"

"No, Lady Y/n, it's not right for you to cook," Verdor said. She took the cold raw meat from Verdor's hand, only to be objected by the others.

"W-wait! Lady Y/n! Please let us do it."

"Yes, M'lady!"

However, she had left them.


"So, once I got back一I'll be send straight to the wedding?"

"Unfortunately, it seems so, Lady Y/n."

The e/c orbs wandered down to the meat in front of her, drowning herself in the abyss of her own anxiety.

What should she do?

She held in her breath, fidgeting with her fingers. She didn't want to leave the home she built inside her, nor did she want to leave the only person that had been there for her一especially during her hard times.

"I've done everything I could to convince his Lordship from taking you back. But none of them worked," Verdor spoke.

Butterflies were sent down to her stomach, making her feel ill with thoughts floating. Her fingers shivered only be warmed up by a touch of a hand.

"Mr. Razor, please take youe hand back," Verdor warned, only to be ignored by both of them.

Her gaze shifted to his comforting ruby eyes一full of compassion and patience. Her heart beat twice rapid than before. Again, she's a noble, not someone like him.

Would she be able to remember the fact that he he was the only person she could go?

"My Lady, if you'd like一we could fake your death and一"

"No, Sir Verdor. You'll be the one who gets the penalty for fooling the nobles," she announced. Her lips were pursed with words trailing in her head, how could she put this into words?

She clanched her hands as her heart beat as if she had been climbing the mountain. Once it's decided, and once it happened, no one could turn back the past.

And no one could stop what had happened.

"I'm going back as Y/n, not as Marquess Huang L/n's daughter. I'll talk this out and if needed一I'll... step back from my title as a noble."

Her statement brought the shock to the knights, their eyes widen while objecting her decision. "W-wait, Lady Y/n! Please reconsider your decision!"

"Y-yeah! Don't make such rash choice!"

Verdor stayed silent and calm. He glanced at the knights, silencing them at once, then turned back to the lady's. "I've served you for more than ten years, and I've also served the family for quite long. So I believe in your decision, Lady Y/n. Your happiness is an honor to me and my family."

The fire's crackles died down as the wind blew harsher than before, as if it's telling the knights to obey. The howling wind and bustling bushes rang to her ears. Eventually, her heartbeat calmed down.

Everyone一even Y/n was silent. Did he just... pledge his loyalty to her? Verdor served her family for thirteen years, and never once turned his back on them.

But to pledge a loyalty for her only was something she thought she couldn't have. Her eyes wandered back to Razor, locking her gaze with the glistened pride incarnadine eyes.

Hiraeth |Razor x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now