my new and only friend

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Me and Mav make our way to homeroom and of course right at the door we bith hear the loud talking and yelling of our teacher Mrs.bennigain, no one really likes her 'cause like all cliche teen stories she spend the majority of the class ranting about her ex husband and going on tangents about how great americas gonna be with Donald Trump*. Mrs.Bennigain is this fucking huge lady with the arms the size of a megladons fin, its ridicuous. we make our way in and for some reason every one snaps thier head to look at us and of course Mrs.Bennigain notices.

'Look whos here, and 2 minutes late. NOW SIT DOWN!'

Me and Mav both hastely walk toi where we both sat yesterday and he gave me a concerned look, for obvious reasons. 

'Dude why is she so pissed'He whispers to me. 

'Thats Mrs.Bennigain, prepare yourself for rants about ex husbands, child custody, conservative, repiblican tangents and confessions of love to Donald Trump.'

Mav gives me an amused and worried look, and right as he does so that bitch yells at him to shut up, which makes my stomache boil. 

*Time Skip to end of the day*

As the bell rings for us to go home me and Mav power walk our way outta hell so we both avoid Regina George wannabe. Somehow we make it and we looked at each other with a smirk and sprinted away from school as fast as possible and of course getting strange looks from students and strangers on the street. I mean at this point we both saw it as a race, so we both raced to my house, and of course that absolute giant of a human being won. 

'HAH- I WIN, what do I get. He said whilst being heavily out of breath.

'My ever lasting friendship.' I said sarcastically with a smirk. 

'I guess thats a pretty good prize, I mean its a life time supply after all, and very useful in the the long term.' He said half jokingly.

'Hey you can come in if you'd like, I have snacks and we can watch some podcasts on Youtube.'I asked politly. Aslo since its the first day our teacher decided to be less of a bitch and didnt give us homework since its the first days of school. 

'Aight shawty.' He said doing the fuck boi face.

'Aight bet.' I responded while we both walked in, ' just dont ever call me shawty, or else i will bonk you on the head. '

And so we comenced with our little plan, we put some good ol'frenemies* and ate some super hot flaming hot cheetos. 

We both talked back and fourth about life and how Trisha is hella pretty and Ethan is kinda mysoginistic, all whilst bringing up the fact that thier friendship came a long way from where it starteed off as. Then we got to the siubect of mental health, 

'Yeah so ever since i was a kid i sorta struggled with anxiety and i need to take certain meds so that its not as shitty as it is.' Mav said.

' Yeah me too, i just have it in a different way ya know, social anxiety, trust issues, etc etc...'

**TW** talk of self harm and depression

'Not only that but i struggled alot with self ham and depression, its a lot better now, i go to therapy and i doodle in my free time to calm myself and relive anxiety.'

I sorta get quiet when he said that, i dont know why, i guess he didnt look like the kind of person that went through that. I was sorta stunned when he saaid that, but i also felt closer to him, he knows how it feels to hate yourself, to want to not to be yourself.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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