Chapter 8: Onwards to Dressrosa

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You saw law went into one of the rooms saying he has business to take care of.

"Geez...what is up with the current?",you look to the sea. The waves were roaring like someone is angry.

"Its a sea see them all the time",Law coming back to the deck. "No, you don't!",Ussop completely declined to Law's statement.

"Where are we heading again?",you shout to Nami.

"a place called Dressrosa...Torao said to ignore the middle needle and took the detours",nami answered you.

"D-dressrosa?!",Kinemon was shocked.

"you know about it?",Luffy asked him.

"t-that is were we--Where I wish to go! Do you have business there as well?",Kinemon asked.

It sits not right to you about Kinemon's business. You groaned...'I kept on forgetting the scenes in one piece'.

"Yeah it seems so, Who were you talking to, Torao?",Luffy asked the other captain.

"Doflamingo",Law answered casually.

"He talks like the warlord is just a friendly neighbor",you sigh.

"You know, (y/n)...I always want to know more about Warlocks",Robin said.

"why?",you look at the older woman.

"It was said that Warlocks were the one who made Poneglyphs...",she said.

"I never knew that...",You said.

"why of course, since it dated way back then...It was only theory in fact...",she said.

"hmmm...say Robin...Do you perhaps know the story of all four blues?",you asked her.

"yes, I do", she said. "The four seas divided by their own sets of belief",she look at you. "Interesting enough...I came across an old scripture...come with me",you went with her towards the girl's quarters.

Looking to her sets of books...she picked the old and tattered one, and pulled out an old paper. She handed it to you.

The words that were written, was in poneglyph.

"I do not understand any of it",you said.

"It was said here...that there was once a being...powerful yet cunning...Dark yet light...beautiful yet ugly",she said.

You gulped..."That once wreck havoc, in the world...How it was stopped still lingers in me...perhaps you have an idea?",she look at you, like you have the idea. do have the idea. 'the being was stored in a fruit...',that is what you want to say.

"Robin...what...what if...what if the being was stored in something?",you said.

"hmmm...that may answer my question",she said. "but what kind of...'something'".

"A fruit...",you said to her. Which make her smile.

"It was one of the theory back in my island. But seeing how you are all adds up...",she said satisfied to your answers. "If you have something in mind...I am all ears",she said.

You were left alone...still standing with the old paper on hand...

"powerful yet cunning...dark yet light...beautiful yet necromancer that once live may have been a villain",you said.

You grew scared...' brave...',you steady your breathing pattern and fold the paper. Putting in inside the book once again. Storing it in the shelves.

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