chapter 13

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Luo wuxian smirked " Jealous much " he said.

Lan wangji's eyes twitched and he pinched luo wuxian's cheeks again

Luo wuxian wailed in fake pain and said " Okay! Okay! Ill stop teasing!"

Lan wangji huffed and stopped pinching Luo Wuxian.

Luo wuxian pouted " Such a hot-head Future husband " he muttered.

Lan wangji pursed his lips wanting to throw luo wuxian out of the library.

When he was about to go outside the library in annoyance , a hand gripped his hips tightly and pushed him down back to his chair.

Luo wuxian smirk dangerously "Do you think me a virgin could have any wife or husband for you?" He asked.

Lan wangji's body felt hot seeing luo wuxian smirk so hotly .

Lan wangji averted his eyes to hide his lust in his eyes , but Luo wuxian chuckled knowingly.

Lan wangji replied " You are a demon and immortal and you're ...... Handsome" he admits embarrassingly .

Meanwhile , Luo wuxian was puffing his chest with pride hearing praises from his lan zhan.

Lan wangji continued " who wouldn't want you" he mumbles the sentence .

Luo wuxian felt like soaring to heaven hearing those praises but he was thrown down when lan wangji continued .

Lan wangji continued " but you are also annoying af , i understand why they wouldn't marry you ." He rolls his eyes.

Luo wuxian felt like dying inside
" W-what?" He stutters.

Lan wangji said "no one could handle your annoyingness but me" he said pridefully.

Luo wuxian's jaw dropped "T-they can!"

Lan wangji raised an eyebrow "who?" He asks

Luo wuxian replied cheerfully with love seeping in his tone "The Emperor of the demon realm , Luo binghe!" He said.

Lan wangji's eyebrows furrow at the love seeping at his tone at another person's name.

Lan wangji thought ' its supposed to be my name that will be said with love by Luo ying' .

He didnt even notice that the last name "luo" was the same luo of luo wuxian and luo binghe.

Lan wangji pouts and puffs his cheeks and luo wuxian gaped.

Lan wangji " What is he to you?" He asked with internal jealousy.

Luo wuxian said " He is my gege~" he said seductively.

Lan wangji thought luo binghe was luo wuxian's bf and luo wuxian calls that binghe guy as "Gege" so of course he got very jealous.

Luo wuxian actually said the word gege seductively because he wanted to rile up lan wangji's lust.

But what he didnt expect is that lan wangji became very jealous.

Lan wangji scoffed " If he is boyfriend then why are you courting me?!" He asks.

Luo wuxian was dumbstruck
" boyfriend? Didnt i tell you he is my gege?" He replied.

Lan wangji asks " isnt "gege" your love nickname for him?! I call you Luo-gege while you call me A-zhan, lan zhan or lan er-didi!" He really wanted to cry.

Luo wuxian said " NO! You misunderstood! , Luo binghe is my xiongzhang like blood older brother!"

Lan wangji pauses and the information was absorbed by his brain , his sadness , jealousy , envy , anger and heartbreak was replaced by shock , Embarrassment and mortification.

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