"Puhuhu.. sorry to keep you waiting. Even if nobody was waiting, even if it makes you say 'What? Again?'.. The diva of despair takes the stage once more! Junko Enoshima the 53rd!"

"Junko Enoshima.. the 53rd.?" Keebo says

"W-What's the matter.? Aren't you.. Tsumugi.?" Himiko trembles.

"Ahaha, sorry about that. You can go and forget about Tsumugi Shirogane." She then changes back to Tsumugi in an instant. "Cuz I'm just a fictional character, y'know, a lie!"

"You've been the mastermind.. this whole time?" Shuichi asks.

"Always have been, always will be, I'm Junko Enoshima for fuck's sake!"

"I'm sorry.. but.. who are you.?" Y/n finally asks, she can't take not knowing anymore.

"..What?" 'Junko' does a double take.

"Why does everyone know who you are? I don't understand anything you're all saying."

"..T-The flashback light.. Y/n wasn't there.. she was still with Kokichi.." Himiko says

"You don't need to know who she is. You don't want to." Maki says.

Y/n backs down and takes her word for it.. and quietly hides her confusion.

"It kinda makes me sad that you don't know who I am.. I mean.. I even killed your best friend.." Junko looks down and strokes her hair sadly.

"..." Y/n doesn't reply.

"Did you know he only went there to make sure you didn't? Haha! He died for you and you don't even like him back! Sometimes I wish I hadn't killed him so I could see it play out.!"

"But I didn't-"

"Didn't do anything wrong? If you didn't steal the survivor perk, he'd still be with us today. How sad.. it's kind of like you were the one who killed him!"

"Y/n. Don't listen to her. She's just trying to get in your head. There was nothing you could've done." Maki says quickly, and Y/n nods slightly, but still just stays silent from then on.

(Sorry for another message but I just wanted to say that I'm gonna skip the rest of this trial because I have no idea how to write Tsumugi changing characters all the time. 👍)

It's a battle between hope and despair. The outside world's been watching the entire time.. how are they even supposed to feel about that?

And before Y/n can process everything, Keebo's in the air, blowing up the entire school.

Everybody agreed to not vote. To kill themselves to end the killing game for good. Y/n didn't want to.. she really didn't. But what kind of coward would she have looked like? She would've participated in another killing game if it meant still being with Maki.

"Y/n, come on..!"

She snaps out of her thinking, and sees Maki in front of her, holding her hand out.

She grabs it quickly and Maki runs with her, Y/n doesn't know where they're going, Maki doesn't either. There is nowhere to go. But neither of them want to stand there and do nothing while the sky collapses in on them.

Y/n hears a loud explosion from right above her, she stops, still holding onto Maki's hand. It happens quicker than she can notice. A large concrete slab falls right on top then both.

She doesn't hear or see anything for who knows how long.



The first thing she feels is a large pressure on her legs, and the same smell as a construction site, debris and dust everywhere. She coughs out the dry feeling in her mouth and throat, opening her eyes slowly. Shuichi, Himiko and Maki are there. Waiting for her.

She shuffles out from under the fallen slab and takes in a good look of the destroyed school. So much happened there.. things that'll change her life forever. And now it's just.. gone?

(For most of this story I've been writing everything the same from the game, but I took a long break between these parts and I cannot be bothered to go through everything again. Sorry!)

"Is.. she dead?" Y/n asks, looking at Maki.

Maki just points over to a large rock covered in blood. Y/n gets the idea. Tsumugi.. Junko..? Is dead.

"What.. what now?"

"Can we leave? Keebo.. died for us. He died so we can leave.. right?" Himiko asks.

"Maybe.. I don't know.." Shuichi answers.

Y/n chuckles. "Heh.. Shuichi doesn't know? We're screwed."

The three others also laugh a little. For a moment, things seem okay. Y/n looks over to Maki, and Maki looks back and smiles. This is it. The end. The.. happy.? ending. Y/n's with Maki. That's all that matters. Even if she has to live on rubble and eat dirt for the rest of the life, it doesn't matter.

Y/n holds Maki's hand, just knowing she's there makes it okay.

And then, they can only go forwards. For everyone.

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