Chapter 2: Sembenia

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My peaceful sleep was disturbed by the annoyingly persistent beeping of my alarm clock. I slapped it, and it shut off. I've always been a morning person, so I sprang out of bed before making my way to the bathroom.  After getting dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, brushing my hair and teeth, and making myself a quick breakfast (cereal) I headed out the door. This morning Jack was picking me up. We took turns carpooling each other. Next Monday it'd be my turn to pick up Melissa. I got in, giving him a quick kiss.

"How'd you sleep, Kitty?" he asked, pulling out of my driveway.

"Ok, I guess." I said. I shivered, remembering the nightmare. 

"You guess?" he asked, a slight quirk to his mouth. I smiled slightly. Jack was very perceptive. 

"Nightmare." I shrugged.

"Ah. Did I swoop in to save you?" he asked, some-what sarcastically.

"No. I practically drowned. When I woke up, I went onto the beach. And guess what? You know that Kellan guy Stacey was talking about during lunch yesterday?" I asked. 

"Yeah, what about him?" Jack asked.

"He was there too! He was sitting on the rock pile down at the end!" I said. I still didn't quite know why he was down there at one in the morning. I knew it wasn't my business, but I was curious. 

"Kitty, be careful. You don't know if he's a rapist!" Jack said, a little more serious now. 

"Well, he didn't do anything". I shrugged. I thought about telling Jack I was going to see Kellan again tonight, but I decided against it. Kellan wouldn't do anything, besides, Jack had nothing to worry about anyway. 

"I guess." he said reluctantly. I could tell he wanted to pursue the subject, but we were pulling up to the school, so he let it go. 

Jack neatly parked his car, and we got out. I took his hand in mine, swinging our joined hands gently.

First, second, third, fourth and fifth period all flew by, and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I headed to the cafeteria; Jack, Melissa and I all met up there after the bell rang. I got in the lunch line. Warm arms wrapped around my waist, and Jack pressed a kiss to the back of my head.

"Hey, Kitty." he said softly. 

"Hi." I murmured back.

The line moved forward slowly as students shuffled forward to pick out what they wanted and to pay for it. Once it was my turn, I grabbed a chicken wrap, a small caesar salad, and a bottle of water. I paid, and then waited for Jack, who was right behind me. I smiled, and we walked over to our table. 

Our cafeteria was kind of funny. Every table since the beginning of the year sort of became an assigned spot. All the populars sat at one table, the geniuses at another, the in-betweens scattered around, and then the social outcasts at the far side.  I didn't like it; I wished people just accepted others for who they were, but that wasn't how things were in high school. Besides, it's not like I could change it. 

Soon, people were flocking to our table. It wasn't just because they wanted to talk with us. Most people that came to our table were hoping for popularity, to be accepted. Stacey chattered in my ear about Kellan, while some other girl named Emily talked about the upcoming English essay that was due. I managed to ignore both of them fairly well, only the occasional 'yeah' and 'really?' needed to satisfy them. I was really paying attention to Melissa and Jack.  They were arguing over which was better -- science class, or math class. I personally thought both were fine, but Jack and Melissa strongly disagreed.

I'd been slightly zoned out, not really paying attention to my surroundings, when I heard Jack say to Melissa, "Yeah. She just talked to him at one in the morning! A complete stranger!" Suddenly, they both stopped talking, and turned to face me. In turn, the whole table slowly quieted, and from there the silence spread slowly across the lunchroom, people turning to face the three of us. The teachers were baffled, not understanding what was going on. 

The Harmony Trilogy - Book 1: Wavering LinesWhere stories live. Discover now