Chapter 2: Blue eyed demon

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*Her school above*





I fumbled around for the snooze button on my phone. Then I stretched and yawned, while getting out of bed.

After checking phone, and swiping off hundreds of notifications, I grabbed the clothes I hung up last night.

I chose a more casual look. An oversized striped sweater, dark skinned jeans, yellow ankle socks, and black converses. I brushed my shoulder length, curly, dirty-blonde hair, and tied it up in a half pony tail.

Then, I grabbed my brown leather mini bag and went to grab breakfast.


Downstairs my mom was making bacon and pancakes. I grabbed an apple juice and two plates, filled them with a handful of bacon, a forkload of pancakes, smothered in syrup, and plenty of fruit.

I handed one to my mom and got started on the other.

"Good morning, dear, guess what? You can take my car to school since I start work tomorrow!" my mom said. I screamed and hugged her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed, taking the keys from her. I stuffed my last piece of bacon in my mouth and hopped out the door.

I love my mom's car. It's a red 2000 Mercury Ford. I started the car and drove to school, listening to 'Waves' by Dean Lewis on the way.


I parked in an empty parking spot and got out of the car, locking it behind me. Taking a deep breath, I looked at the students filing into RiverWood High.

There was a couple hundred of them. Some were hanging out, talking to their friends, while others were already heading inside.

I decided to head to the office early, so I wasn't late for class. There's nothing I hate more than walking into a classroom mid-lesson and have everyone stare at you.


As I was walking up the stairs, looking down at my feet so as not to trip, I ran straight into someone.

I grabbed onto the railing beside me, to keep from falling.

"I am so sorry about that, I should've been looking where I was going," I said, rambling.

A small redhead looked up at me from the ground. I held my hand out and pulled her to her feet.

"It's okay, happens all the time," she replied with a smile. I nervously smiled back.

"Are you new here?" She asked. "Yeah, was it that obvious?" I replied.

She laughed. "Kinda, I'm only asking because you sme- I mean look kinda familiar," she said.

"If it's not too much to ask, could you point me towards the office," I asked, fidling with a strand of hair that fell.

She smiled, again. "I'll do you one better and show you there myself. Oh, I'm Nancy Cadell by the way," she said cheerily.

"I'm Lexi Barlow, thanks for taking me to the office," I replied quietly.

She shook her head. "It's really no bother."


After she lead me to the office, she waved and ran off to class. I pushed open the door and walked over to the towering desk.

I fidgeted nervously, unsure of what to do.

An older women with greying hair looked up at me. "Can I help you?" She asked stamping papers.

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