May: "oh gosh no tony, we couldn't impose on you."

Tony: "it's alright, we have more spare rooms than I can count and it would be nice to have the kid here when I need him."

May: "are you sure?"

Tony: "of course, it's no problem. You guys can have any room you'd like. Once pepper gets back, she can take you two shopping for the things you need or want for your rooms. But until then may, you can look in peppers closet. You two look like your about the same size. And I got the kid handled."

May: "thank you so much tony, you don't know how much this means."

Peter: "yes mr. stark thank you. I don't know what I'd do if may ended up home less."

Tony: "it's alright kid, your always welcome here, this is avengers tower and you are an avenger."

May: "wait your an avenger now? Why didn't you tell me, that's huge."

Peter: "well um... I kinda sorta got snapped out of existence before I could tell you so... yeah."

Tony: "yes he is an avenger, and a good one.he earned it."

May: "I'm so proud of you Peter. Uncle Ben would be proud of the man you've become."

*may gives peter a hug

Peter: "thanks may but could you let go, I'm still a bit sore."

May: "oh I'm sorry peter, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Peter: "it's alright may, you didn't know."

Tony: "on that note, me and Peter should probably get cleaned up. May, there's a restroom down the hall with extra clothing. You can get something to eat from the kitchen when your done, we will be back up from the lab in a bit."

*tony and Peter head down to the lab

Peter: "so um, where is everyone?"

Tony: "they are at my home upstate recovering from the battle. They will be back up here once everything in the city cools down from the snap. It should only be about a week."

*tony stitches up Peter while they talk

Peter: "I thought your home was destroyed in the battle."

Tony: "one of them was but luckily Morgan was somewhere else when the missiles hit."

Peter: "whose Morgan?"

Tony: "she my daughter."

Peter: "I didn't know you had a kid, when did that happen?... ouch!"

Tony: "she was born after the snap and sorry kid"

Peter: "does she know about you being iron man?"

Tony: "well there wasn't much need for superheroes after the snap, but yes she knows who I am. She loves it. She has the looks of her mother and has my smarts."

Peter: "she sounds like a great kid."

Tony: "she is. She kind of reminds me of you quite a bit actually. You both are smart but have the tendency not to listen."

Peter: "she sounds like a hand full."

Tony: "she can be... and I'm done, all stitched up."

Peter: "thanks mr.stark"

Tony: "after this I'm heading upstate to spend the night with Morgan, I'll be back some time tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime you should take a shower and get some rest, you earned it."

Peter: "thanks mr.stark, I'll probably just spend the rest of the night with may."

Tony: "well I'll see you tomorrow. Make sure you get some rest."

Peter: "okay mr.stark will do. Also can you tell may I'll be up in a bit and that she can pick the movie."

Tony: "sure Pete, good night"

Peter: "good night"

*after tony leaves Peter takes a shower. After he is done he heads upstairs to hangout with may

Peter: "hey may, how's it goin?"

May: "hey Pete, it's alright and I picked titanic."

Peter: "nice... that's a classic, I'm gonna go make some pop corn."

May: "don't forget the M&M's."

Peter: "I never do."

*by the end of the movie both of them are asleep.
*in the morning Peter and may are woke up some one yelling for tony

May: "whose that?"

Peter: "I don't know but stay here, I'm gonna go look."

*peter is walking around when he hears may yell from down the hall


I'm sorry if you got confused with this chapter but it happened the same day as when y/n woke up from the blip, I wanted to have both of their pov's for the day of the blip. I will sometimes do this so you can have both perspectives for certain dates or If there is a chapter that needs the perspective of a certain character. I will start dating the chapters at the beginning to make it clear when the day changes from now on.
It will be day (insert days after the blip). Once again I'm sorry if this is confusing.

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